Actually, there are quite a few versions of GPs. Some of which aren't available yet, or got pulled before they became available...
Early Prototypes You Can't Buy/cancelled/etc.:
- GP32 Internet: A very very early prototype that never got released, although I think someone on the board managed to buy it. It used compactflash rather than smartmedia and there are pics out of it looking at the yahoo homepage. It also had, if I remember correctly, a lot less RAM - like 512kb or something. I think.
- GPi: 200MHz GP32 with a built in phone to use the Korean phone system. Why oh why couldn't they have just made the lot 200MHz, I don't know, but that's what that one was.
Ones you CAN buy, official:
- GP32: Your average GP32 without frontlighting. Guraanteed to go to 133MHz, may or may not go up to 166MHz, depends on the unit.
- GP32 FLU: As with the GP32 but with a frontlight on as well.
Modded ones:
- GP32 or GP32FLU "166MHz": A while ago a member of the board realised that the same trick used on PC CPUs of raising the voltage to get a higher overclock could be used on the gamepark and tried fiddling with resistors in a couple of places to achieve just that. The result was that their 156MHz one (or rather, crashed over that) went up to 166 with ease. They then tried taking it suicidally high - 186MHz - and actually managed it, if I remember correctly. Anyway, GBAX now offer to mod GP32s prior to selling them so you can be certain you'll get that extra bit of speed. They are NOT fixed at 166MHz - they are just certain of being able to achieve it.
- 32MB ram GP32s: Ones with the ram mod done. So far, you can't buy them; you have to do the mod yourself. Which unfortunately, I don't feel up to.
Unreleased ones to come out
- GP32 BLU: Targetted for the European launch the BLU is backlit instead of frontlit. Basically, what this means, is the colours will come out clearer, but you may well need to have the light on all the time to see at all. Which reduces battery life. Once the European launch happens, to my knowledge, this will be the only type of GP32 produced (I don't think they're doing an unlit version...)
I hope that lot's helped, and for that matter is accurate. Its possible I missed off a couple of early prototypes or models intended later, but I think its all of them. Obviously, however, the main two you need to be interested in are the normal one and the FLU at the moment - and the BLU once its released in Europe, of course...