Now that I actually know about the numbers related to the preorders, how many (approximately) preorders of Craig's need to be filled? I guess this topic should be open to mods and other users if they know.
ED is probably really busy trying to come up with a way to keep sending out Pandoras with working screens right now. ED doesn't dodge questions as far as I've seen.
The list he got from Craig had ~500 on them. No one knows how many pre orders waiting on a refund from Craig or how many didn't fill in the survey thus not being in this count.
I'd say that if you're waiting on a refund from Craig you're screwed.
If you didn't fill out the survey you're screwed.
If you did fill out the survey but won't pay any extra money you should prepare yourself mentally for maybe/quite possibly being screwed but that depends on the donations.
And after that every higher extra payment tier you're in brings you from possibly screwed to soon to be a proud owner of a Pandora as soon as ED comes up with a fix for the screens or new screens.
I'm pretty sure that a large proportion of those 450 have taken up the offer and are awaiting the chance to pay extra for their Pandoras. There are supply issues at the moment (faulty touch screens).
Also consider what Timstertoo said, there are no figures on how many people have not had a Pandora from Craig but did not receive / respond to his survey.