Jengo posted on Oct 16 2005 at 11:39 PM said:
How long did it take you to learn your preffered language?
As others said, you can learn a language (meaning you know how to use all its features) in a month if it's a "small" language like C, maybe two months if it's a "big" (read "bloated") language like C++.
What will take you much much longer is learning how to program. That's a totally different topic which is not much related to a specific language, but is more related to a totally different way of thinking, decomposing problems and procedures in smaller and smaller pieces, until you can write a working algorithm.
Jengo posted on Oct 16 2005 at 11:39 PM said:
Sometimes, but it was FUN, much better than crosswords ;-)
Jengo posted on Oct 16 2005 at 11:39 PM said:
Did you learn from a book or school or what?
I'm still learning, but I started with the c64 manuals, then lots of books, lots of practice, and also a master CS ;-)
Jengo posted on Oct 16 2005 at 11:39 PM said:
Because it's FUN (already said that?). Also, when something you created works, it can give you an incredible joy (I can't explain, but I'm sure other programmers will understand).
Jengo posted on Oct 16 2005 at 11:39 PM said:
What level of skill do you rate yourself as? (1 to 10, 10 being highest 1 is lowest).
I'd like to say 9 or 10, but sometimes I see some code wich can really inspire awe, so I'd rather go for a humble 7.
Jengo posted on Oct 16 2005 at 11:39 PM said:
And finally, do you enjoy programming?
I love it. It's defintively worth all the struggle and the time it requires.
If you wish to start, I'd suggest to start with a good language like C (plain C, no C++). Start writing LOTS of SMALL programs, and I mean really small, like 50 to 100 lines of code. Try to rediscover the weel (for example, try to find a way to sort an array, try to find a way to get out of a maze, try to find all prime numbers in a range, that kind of stuff). These are the kind of execises that will give you the ability to think algorithmically, even though there are already TONS of (better) ways to sort an array. You can find lots of exercises like these in book about programming like those used in CS courses (again, a book "about programming" is NOT a book "about a language").
Good luck