How It's Posible To Write In The Filesystem (By Code) ?

Geca said:
Hi, I need to write/delete files on the FileSystem of Pandora (not in the SD), but it it Read only, how I can do that in a C/C++ or BennuGD program ?

the process need to be UID=0
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Geca said:
I don't understand, can you put an example ? Thanks

The files on NAND are owned by the user root (the super adminstrator with user id = 0). Only that user can modify these files.
It is technically possible to make a process change it's userID while running, but that would requiere interacting with PAM, that mean using the root paswd (which doesnt exist ;). I dont have code example avail, but su sources in the base util package from the gnu project have that.

the easy way is to wrap your binary using gksudo.

What do you want your game to change on NAND ?
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In general.. Don't :)

Why do you need to put anything in nand (especially system nand and not homedir). There are some cases, but pretty rre :) as a Windows dev.. Let us know so we can recommend if its appropriate or not.

Geca said:
I don't understand that curiosity :)
I don't understand why you dont want to tell. It's an open community here. We're working like a network of trust.

You want to modify the nand of our users, yet you've refused to tell us what or why 2 times. The level of trust cannot be lower.

Being root your script could wipe the pandora's nand without a warning leaving the user with a bricked pandora and 2 hours of works to restaur the "boot" feature of his device.
Or worst, you could install a key-logger...

There is currently only a fews PNDs out there doing so, and all of these have been reviewed by one trusted dev....
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Too suspicious. Want to do somethign you probably shoudln't, and won't go into details... hmm

and "I need to put some files the user can't access, it's simple...."

and 'for fun'. ... whose fun? his?

OKay, I know I'm never going to install anythign by this guy :)

Can we say rootkit?

Ok guys I try to explain:

1 - Yes, it's a open comunnity, I have do some ports of free software for Pandora, I know very well this is a open world :)

2 - My intention is not expressly write on the NAND, if I have other alternative I choose them, I agree with your opinion.

3 - It's simple, I want release a comercial GAME and this game have a port to Pandora, so my game have a DRM system to protect the game, so in Pandora I need to implement the DRM too...

You have understand all ? My english is very poor xD
Geca said:
so in Pandora I need to implement the DRM too...
If you want DRM, maybe you could make your system sharable for more than one game.
If so, EvilDragon and Djwillis will be happy to help you having it on NAND by default ;)

join the OS Mailing-list and start a discution there :
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We had rolled around some ideas for DRM early on, but as resources are limited (ie: we who make the firmware do so in our spare time) we had left it for 'future'.

So if you have some good re-usable ideas, let us know..

There are _many_ ways to go about doing it, but it does depend on many factors; ie if an SD is being sold, encrypting to the SD unique-id is doable, but this woudl be pretty rare by todasy standards.

Likewise, putting the suer credit card number into the pnd-file woudl prevent their wanting to share it, but woudl also be considrred rude by todays standards (yet is quite commonly done, I assure you :) Ofc ourse, this does imply one faked up credit card number and repackaing the pnd woudl defeat it, so I doubt you'd go that route.

Putting some unique-id value into NAND 'somewhere' and then encrypting or testing for this value in a pnd may work, but runs victom to reflashes, or peiople runing alternate firmwares from SD; since it is botyh easy to reflash (and sometimes desirable), and relatively common for peopel to roll their own or run alternate firmware (Debian, etc), putting somethign in NAND for ID pretty inconvenient for the buyer.

For my part, I'm still a fan of the well proven 'unique ID' unlock key-code idea in sue on every phone and mobile device for 15+ years. When user buys, they provide a CC number, a name, and other values, and you hash them to make a relatively unique-id, and encrypt the pnd for the, if you so wish; or require user to enter the unlock code into the game on lauynch, to unlocjk it.. though this is a little inconvenient for the user. Buty encrypting the pnd contents (a key-file say,w ith the rest of the pnd being normal) is pretty solid. It woudl be identifiable, and the method (keygen) woudl be relatively har to reproduce (though certainly doable, of course.)

Another approach is a RSA-type key or some cvrazy hash...

If we need to extend the PXML or pnd system to support a DRM system, then we can work through it; I woudl certainly like a system that is future proof, extensible, and re-usable, so that other games could use it.

As sebt3 points out, the mailing list would be a good place to discuss it.

I've a new idea, maybe I don't need to write nothing on Pandora NAND or any place :)
I go to do some tests before I discuss it.
By the Way, exist a unique ID from our Pandora to distinguise them and if this exists how get them ? With the unique ID is suficient to protect the game...
I don't wanna loose much time with this, if someone are interested, I alread have a DRM system working OK for Wiz and Caanoo to protect BennuGD comercial games :)

Thank guys!
I think there might be a way to get unique id out of processor, but I imagine its not been built into kernel even if its an option.

You coudl pull the mac addy from the wifi I imagine (which woudl be clonabkle, but thats a pretty big annoyance, but some pirates might do it.)

Passing around an unlock key-file thats encrypted heavily and includes buyer info is a pretty good method

What are you doing on caanoo and wiz?

I thought for cases like this we have the SD cards. SECURE Digital, you know. AFAIK do they have DRM skills, must just be activated somehow. After this, the program is only usable with this one card on this one Pandora. :)

Or a simple online verification, each sold game has its unique ID, only correct buyed games are able to run. So we don't need evil DRM code onto the Pandora itself.