How Do I Get Caps In Sterm?


Still Fresh
Dec 26, 2005
How do I get capital letters in STERM. I'm trying this:

4. Open a terminal on your gp2x and run:
dd if=/mnt/sd/cramfs-0.0.4.dump of=/dev/mtdblock/4 bs=1M

but have accidentally hit return twice... once before typing "bs=" and 2nd time after "bs=1" :(

Hope nothing is messed. I need the capital M.

EDIT: found it.... VOL UP + A

EDIT(2): Oddbot, you might want to clarify the above point a little. For some time I tried typing it as a continuous line. I even checked the MANual for dd and saw the only sync option was conv=sync. I tried that and it showed no error. Only then did it dawn on me that 'sync' was a new command. Maybe you could add root@sterm $: or whatever.

Just a suggestion for slow learners like me :P
Isn't the driver / software only available for Win XP? I use Linux.
i think that in linux you should be able to use minicom to read /dev/ttyACM0, without installing any drivers. but i'm just reading that from the file archive comments, i haven't tested it out yet as i screwed up my slackware install and only now got it working again.
Is that through the standard usb cable or does it require another cable?
rokdcasbah posted on Feb 21 2006 at 10:40 PM said:
why not just use the serial link console over usb?
also the cramfs dump comes with a script which works perfectly.
What do you need to do to get started with the serial link over usb?

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borat - i'm referring to the usb serial app by gfoot, so no you don't need anything except the usb cable.

nickmon - you need this:,0,0,0,8,1191

also, if you use theoddbot's alternate 1.4 firmware, your gp2x will output a shell via usb as soon as it boots the kernel (works the same as gfoot's script but you don't need to download/run it as it is built into the kernel)

hope you guys get it working as it makes a lot of things much easier.