How Do I Downgrade My Firmware....


Still Fresh
Feb 20, 2006
Algonquin, IL-- around Chicago, IL
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I am running 1.4.0 and am sick of the washed out colors and low color tones, among other things. Alot of people are saying to go with 1.0.1. With 1.0.1 I can run LCD-CPU tweaker app at least also.

So my question is this: Can I downgrade to 1.0.1? If so, how do I do this? And where can I find the files I need? Thanks for anyones help...
• Yes
• Get the version of FW you want, and install it the same way you installed 1.4
• Teh Archive ;)
TelcoLou posted on Mar 14 2006 at 05:46 PM said:
• Yes
• Get the version of FW you want, and install it the same way you installed 1.4
• Teh Archive ;)

I got the files from this sites archive. But which ones do I use?

Here is the files from the original file (name is 'gp2xf100-101') from the archive:


The upgrade, when I did it required only 3 files on the root directory. Those file names were:


I dont see a .tar.gz file in the 1.0.1 file.

Can I use the SD card I have in there now? Could anything get corrupted if I use my current SD card? Or do I need to use a fresh one that is newly formatted?

Sorry about the noob questions, my UNIX is very rusty.
Thanks for yer reply...
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I advise you don't downgrade from 1.4 to 1.0.1. I tried this myself but in the end I got a "mixed" firmware. Features from 1.4 and 1.0.1 were mixed together, creating a freaky and weird gp2x.
Odd. I started with 1.01 and upgraded to 1.40 and have only seen improvements. As far as I am aware you will lose (if you downgrade):
- Compatibility with some SD cards
- TV-Out support
- Battery light operation
- some GP2x menu features (e.g. ability to move up and down between icons)
Purist posted on Mar 14 2006 at 06:11 PM said:
I advise you don't downgrade from 1.4 to 1.0.1. I tried this myself but in the end I got a "mixed" firmware. Features from 1.4 and 1.0.1 were mixed together, creating a freaky and weird gp2x.

This is from not running the patch that comes with the firmware. Go under utilities and run it.
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WhizzBang posted on Mar 14 2006 at 06:12 PM said:
Odd. I started with 1.01 and upgraded to 1.40 and have only seen improvements. As far as I am aware you will lose (if you downgrade):
- Compatibility with some SD cards
- TV-Out support
- Battery light operation
- some GP2x menu features (e.g. ability to move up and down between icons)

I dont like the screen colors and the brightness. And the LCD/CPU tweaker doesnt work properly with 1.4.0. Is there a way to make that app work? I want to overclock for my emulators and tweak the screen. Some emus have overclocking , but some dont. And the built in LCD tweaker sucks, IMO.

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airwolf posted on Mar 14 2006 at 07:21 PM said:
WhizzBang posted on Mar 14 2006 at 06:12 PM said:
Odd. I started with 1.01 and upgraded to 1.40 and have only seen improvements. As far as I am aware you will lose (if you downgrade):
- Compatibility with some SD cards
- TV-Out support
- Battery light operation
- some GP2x menu features (e.g. ability to move up and down between icons)

I dont like the screen colors and the brightness. And the LCD/CPU tweaker doesnt work properly with 1.4.0. Is there a way to make that app work? I want to overclock for my emulators and tweak the screen. Some emus have overclocking , but some dont. And the built in LCD tweaker sucks, IMO.


If you want to use 1.4 FW, try this script as an example:


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 2 250
cd /mnt/sd/fishyNES/

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Just copy the above script using Programmer's Notepad (be sure to set the line endings to Unix) and save it as "whateverthehellyouwant.gpe"

... the line "/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 1 2 250" runs the cpu_speed program with the settings UPLL, +2 LCD_clockgenerator, CPU 250Mhz ...

... the lines
"cd /mnt/sd/fishyNES/
./fishyNES.gpe" run the fishyNES emulator in its correct folder.

1.4 FW changed the CPU clock speed down to 200Mhz every time it goes back into the main menu, thus rendering all your tweaks useless. Launching your stuff via scripts gets around this :)
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Well, I downgraded to 1.0.1 using the 1.0.1 files in this sites archive. I then ran the patcher that came with said files. Guess what? My info icon says that I have 1.0.1, but I still have 4-way movement in the main menu and the crapy LCD tweaker remains. So I guess I have a hybrid firmware.

So, not being to comfortable with that, I decided to try that unbricking guide. I know my unit is not bricked, but this hybrid still bothers me. I am now re-flashing the NAND with 'gp2xfile.img' from that site as I type. Well, now to wait 1 hour.

Isn't there a way to mod the CPU/LCD tweaker program so that it will work with firmware 1.4.0?
I did it! After the 'gp2xfile.img', I needed to run the '101patch file'. But then after those 2 steps, I had to update the kernel image as well. Now I have a 1.0.1 GP2X!

So, what is the correct CPU/LCD tweaker version to use? I am using 1.2 version, but the test window just goes into a black screen and freezes the Gp2X.
