How Do I Convert Dvd's Into Files For The Gp2x


Still Fresh
May 9, 2006
Hitchin, England
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So, as the title suggests, I have no idea how to take stuff from a DVD and convert into a file which can be played on my GP2X.

Am not bothered about movies but what I would really like to do is take some of my fav simpsons episodes from DVD and watch them on my GP2X.

I assume I need software - Is it the same as ripping tracks from a CD and converting into MP3 / WMA??

Thanks (Doh!)
NoidZ posted on May 23 2006 at 04:33 PM said:
You should download the GordianKnot Rippack and the GordianKnot CodecPack.
Or use DVD Decrypter and Dr. DivX.

Good Luck!

Better yet, use VLC. It'll do all that in 1 program.
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I tried to use DVD decrypter and dvd shrink to rip my copies of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but the resolution is a peice of crap. I think it may have something to do with the frame rates input/output ratio. The disk is fine though. The picure is perfect in Windows Media Player, but Crap in anything else. Anyone know what's wrong?
Great general resource:

Read that, try it out with a couple of movies, then you'll have a better idea of how to get results. I definitely suggest sticking with 320x240 resolution. PokeParadox's suggestion of Doom9 is good, they're a great resource.

Samba Pa Ti once gave me this advice:

"for DVD res i use about 1400kb 2passes

for 320x240 can do about 600kb singlepass (tried this on a few standup comedy concerts and works ok), it really depends what codec and how much Motion is on the movie to how many artifacts popup

Edit: This was using Xvid Btw"
So it's NOT the frame rate input/output thing? Maybe It's just heavily encrypted.

I have no idea what you mean. We are talking about viewing on the GP2X, right? If so, you wouldn't be able to watch the AVI there if it were "encrypted".

I use RipIt4me to extract the DVD contents, then I use PocketDivXEncoder to generate the GP2X Xvid AVI. I'm away from home or I'd tell you the settings I use.

Seriously, those guides will help immensely.
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Well my problem starts at the part where the ripping actually occurs. I'm not sure as to HOW the rippers work, but at the moment I don't think they use 1:1 ripping, but make subtle changes (not talking about the removal of write protection) as the files are written. Windows media player can play the files just fine, but when I rip the files, there are slight motion blurs when anyone in the video move. If I encode it in this condition, it will look like crap on the GP2X (or anything for that matter.)
P.S. Maybe I should have said "protected?
Well my problem starts at the part where the ripping actually occurs. I'm not sure as to HOW the rippers work, but at the moment I don't think they use 1:1 ripping, but make subtle changes (not talking about the removal of write protection) as the files are written. Windows media player can play the files just fine, but when I rip the files, there are slight motion blurs when anyone in the video move. If I encode it in this condition, it will look like crap on the GP2X (or anything for that matter.)
P.S. Maybe I should have said "protected?

Err... rippers don't do anything except remove encryption. It's your player, the DVD itself, or a bad DVD.
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It's none of the above, trust me. I've opened the ripped files under VLC and WMP and they all had the motion blurs. When I watch them while on the DVD on WMP, It's as clear as a bell. Are there DVDs that this process just won't work on?