How Can I Get My Gp2x Fixed??


Still Fresh
Jan 29, 2006
Hi Peeps,

Ive recently started getting trouble with my gp2x.
its one from the 1st edition batch.

what is happening is that the joystick has become very sloppy.

It turns around 360 degrees anticlockwise also clockwise VERY freely.
When im playing a game (or trying :P ) you can phisically see it/feel it turning.
i also believe the stick maybe a little bent because if you turn it, it goes loose then goes tight then go a little more then it goes loose again.

it has alot of trouble going left and the diagonals.

so my question is do you know of anybody/ A company who fixes them?

there gotta be someone right? (im in the uk if that makes any difference)

Any Help Would Be Appreciated :D

i'll be abled to get to sleep in the nights then :(


Wizza posted on Dec 13 2006 at 07:38 PM said:
It turns around 360 degrees anticlockwise also clockwise VERY freely.
When im playing a game (or trying :P ) you can phisically see it/feel it turning.
Also got this with my MK1 with MK1 Cap :P
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No, No Luck yet i think its had it.....

looking to get the whole stick replaced.....


nickspoon posted on Dec 13 2006 at 09:38 PM said:
Take off the cap. Does the joystick shaft turn the same way?

Yes. its not the cap....

its the actual stick.


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Wizza posted on Dec 13 2006 at 08:40 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Dec 13 2006 at 09:38 PM said:
Take off the cap. Does the joystick shaft turn the same way?

Yes. its not the cap....

its the actual stick.



You need to pick it up. wiggle it about a bit, press it down, wiggle it about a bit, for about 30 mins, until you feel it *click* back into place.
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My Mark 1 is the same. I have tried three caps, but the fact that sometimes it just doesn't register means that I can only use it for video playback. I'm in Germany, and would love to repair it, or get it repaired...?
nickspoon posted on Dec 13 2006 at 08:44 PM said:
EvilDragon will repair GP2Xes for a small fee plus parts and postage.

Thanks for the info.

Ive sent him a PM.

Oh and thanks for the other suggestions peeps but no luck with me. i think it really does need a new one :0(


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lubidog posted on Dec 13 2006 at 09:43 PM said:
I'm in Germany, and would love to repair it, or get it repaired...?

Well - you should know where you can get help then, don't 'cha?
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EvilDragon posted on Dec 13 2006 at 07:10 PM said:
lubidog posted on Dec 13 2006 at 09:43 PM said:
I'm in Germany, and would love to repair it, or get it repaired...?

Well - you should know where you can get help then, don't 'cha?
Just because he lives in Germany doesn't mean he knows who EvilDragon is, or his store/site. I'm sure you couldn't rattle off a list of all German businesses if I asked. :)
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Of course I know who ED is. I'll send it to you so bald wie möglich!
