Release Hotfix Pack 1 And Community Codec Pack Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Just after we started shipping the first Pandoras, we found out that some Python packages had gone missing in the OS - and that the kernel had one bug.
We fixed those problems already, so we suggest you install the HotFix package when you receive your Pandora.

If you don't install the package, Python games like Angry Drunken Dwarfs will not run.

Aditionally, we released the Community Codec Package, which installs Gnome-MPlayer and a lot of restricted codecs which allow you to play videos and audio.
Due to licensing issues, we can't include them in the normal OS installation, that's why we released that codec pack.
Some programs like Exaile won't run without it.

Installing both packages is easy: Simply put them into either the /pandora/menu or /pandora/desktop-Directory of your SD Card, start them, enter your password and follow the on-screen instructions.
After it's installed, you can remove the PND-Files.

You can grab them and more information about them here
EvilDragon said:
Just after we started shipping the first Pandoras, we found out that some Python packages had gone missing in the OS - and that the kernel had one bug.
We fixed those problems already, so we suggest you install the HotFix package when you receive your Pandora.
Does this mean that this issue will already be fixed for people whose Pandoras have not been sent yet? Is there a way to tell if I will need this?
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Not likely that's the whole purpose of releasing a fix like this. The Codec pack can't be included in the shipped devices and they need to fix the general OS. Look at modern consoles they still ship with old firmwares with the understanding that a patch will bring you up to date with everyone else as a necessity.


I'm assuming you'll be making this a post on the main website as well or a banner on the "App Store" (did you or Craig ever come up with a name for it?). I think it'd make sense since not everyone that will own a Pandora will necessarily be constantly watching the forums once they get it in their hands.
I found a couple minor goofs in minimenu that we all managed to miss during the lead up excitement. Conf file changes to repair is all.. No big loss tho

Nothing serious but *doh* - time for a tricks and tips FAQ :)


sorry not been home for a couple days so couldn't build them into hotfix 1

on my phone posting :)
Esn said:
EvilDragon said:
Just after we started shipping the first Pandoras, we found out that some Python packages had gone missing in the OS - and that the kernel had one bug.
We fixed those problems already, so we suggest you install the HotFix package when you receive your Pandora.
Does this mean that this issue will already be fixed for people whose Pandoras have not been sent yet? Is there a way to tell if I will need this?

The kernel issue yes, the missing packages not, because it takes a while to bake a new image.
The Hotfix will only update the kernel if neccessary though.

Alpha2 said:
I'm assuming you'll be making this a post on the main website as well or a banner on the "App Store" (did you or Craig ever come up with a name for it?). I think it'd make sense since not everyone that will own a Pandora will necessarily be constantly watching the forums once they get it in their hands.

It's on the main site already, but maybe it makes sense putting this into the devblog, yes.
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For people that recieve their pandoras only in a few weeks or later, will the OS usualy be updated/bugfixed before shipping the Pandoras or does the entire 1. Batch will have the same OS Version like the very first devices have?
fusion_power said:
For people that receive their pandoras only in a few weeks or later, will the OS usually be updated/bugfixed before shipping the Pandoras or does the entire 1. Batch will have the same OS Version like the very first devices have?

The patches for the firmware will be rolled out to the production line in due course, the kernel change is already in OpenPandora's running off the line now as that was a 'sods law' bug that showed up at the last minute.

The update packs will update the OS release in question (i.e. 2010-05/1 as of now) and should be clever enough to not update vital things like the kernel unless needed ;).

As time goes on new OpenPandora's will come with later versions of the OS (as we get things rolled in, fixed up etc.) and you will just want to check you have all the update packs for the version of the OS release installed on your OpenPandora.

I think it is fair to say the 1st few firmware release upgrades may well be full flashes of the unit with the newest code (we have a few scripts to scoop up key configuration bits to the SD card and put it back when upgraded) while we all find our feet (well until I work some kinks out ;)).

There are quite a few things in this area I want to work on such as automating builds of new test versions of the OS users can just extract to an SD to try and provide feedback on, using some rather nice Angstrom tools (like narcissus), and improving the alignment with mainline Angstrom and OpenEmbedded from which we get most of our build metadata (and contribute back).
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guillermoarce said:
i dint get my pandora this time around, when can I buy one?

Email and see if they still have any available,
If not, Then you may have to wait for the second batch, Which maybe a while.

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For anyone curious .. in minimenu, its ignoring the preview pic cache on SD1 due to a typo. (Didn't see it during testing, since we were all booting from SD1!)

/etc/pandora/conf/mmenu.conf --> near the bottom, theres a preview pic cache searchpath that specifies mmcblk[12]* or the like; should be "mmcblk[01]" or even better ..

cache_findpath /media/mmcblk?p?/pandora/appdata/mmenu.pvwcache

Could be /media/*, but I think I intended it to only cache on sD cards, not usb drives/etc.

We can build this into next patch.

Ed, when I click on the codec file nothing happens, what next? By the way, nothing is working, I can get uae4all to boot up but then it's asking for kickrom even though I've got the kickrom in appdata.....I'm frustrated! When I try to switch back to mini menu, nothing happens (shock horror) except it won't allow me to close down the machine.
NickLoTurco said:
Ed, when I click on the codec file nothing happens, what next? By the way, nothing is working, I can get uae4all to boot up but then it's asking for kickrom even though I've got the kickrom in appdata.....I'm frustrated! When I try to switch back to mini menu, nothing happens (shock horror) except it won't allow me to close down the machine.

Seeing your posts from the other thread, it looks like your PC has downloading problems (it didn't even download the MAME-Zipfile correctly).
That would certainly lead to non-working PNDs.

It would be easier to help you if you would give us more details.. like where exactly you put that kickrom with what name, if you're working in XFCE4 or Minimenu, how you try to switch back to Minimenu, etc.
But this is not the correct section, so if you need any help, please post in the I Need Help-Section, but as detailed as possible so we can help you out.
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Hi all :)

Sorry for bringing such an old thread back to life but it would seem that MP3 is now patent-free in the US:

Shouldn't the Community Codec Pack be updated accordingly ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Heck, a new release of the OS should be administered with MP3 encoding/decoding built in. Maybe not encoding, I don't think anyone will be encoding mp3s on their Pandora but people might play mp3s.

Does anyone still encode to mp3? I use ogg or flac personally, but that is because I'm always 100% sure it will work on Linux. mp3 might be my go-to-codex now because everything can play it.
I still use mp3s because other users of the radio programmes I download use players that don't do ogg, so we've settled on mp3s at 128kbps VBR as being good enough and the best common denominator. That's all done on a windows machine though, using open source code. On my Pandora I do frequently play back these programmes though, and I don't think I've ever actually installed the codec pack - I assume deadbeef comes with the relevant libs to decode mp3.