Wie versprochen gibt es ein Bugfix-Update auf Alpha 3 
As promised, the third alpha Version of Hotfix 6 is out, which fixed the bug where your username had to be evild
Aditionally, notaz applied a fix to the charging which hopefully should prevent the freezes!
It would be great if you guys could help testing if it breaks anything or if it works fine so far!
The changes for HF6a3 are:
* XFCE4 got a cleaned up menu as well as a more useful panel bar (I hope
) including Toggle WiFi as well as a quick CPU Speed changer
* Pandora-Button for XFCE4-Menu now works way better
* Tempels PNDStore is built-in
* Caines new Nub-Settings are built-in
* midori and Arora have been completely removed - please use the PND version. Instead, links2 has been included as quick and fast browser and is now being used for viewing documentation.
* NetworkManager has been upgraded to a slightly newer version. netm-cli (the command line version) is included in the OS. This will be used by MiniMenu to connect to the internet (not included yet).
* A new default GUI selection has been included: "GUISelect". If you select this as default GUI, you'll be asked while booting whether you rather want to boot into MiniMenu or XFCE4
* kernel: WizardStan's optimized charger settings have been included. This should improve charging and increase the life of your battery.
Thanks of course to all the devs (mainly notaz, sebt3, WizardStan, Ivanovic, tempel, Caine, Milkshake and skeezix) for the help so far
Still stuff to do for HF6:
* Include Tutorial for new users (work has begun)
* Include updating of PNDs via internet into MiniMenu (mostly done, except for WiFi connection)
* Include charging screen (i.e. if you connect the Pandora to AC when it's switched off)
Please, report any bugs you may encouter on the Bugtracker!
Here's the download: Zaxxon Hotfix 6 Alpha 3 Flash
As this is a full flash, it will delete all your personal settings and files that are stored on the NAND! Be sure you don't have anything important there!
To install it, simply extract the archive onto the root of your SD Card.
Insert the SD Card into the left slot. Keep R (shoulder) pressed while switching on your Pandora and select "Boot from SD1"
If "Boot from SD1" doesn't appear, try to reformat the SD Card using Panasonic SD Formatter, recopy the files and retry.
You can also use the SD Installer and run HF6a3 off SD Card.
Grab the image needed for the SD Installer here
As promised, the third alpha Version of Hotfix 6 is out, which fixed the bug where your username had to be evild
Aditionally, notaz applied a fix to the charging which hopefully should prevent the freezes!
It would be great if you guys could help testing if it breaks anything or if it works fine so far!
The changes for HF6a3 are:
* XFCE4 got a cleaned up menu as well as a more useful panel bar (I hope
* Pandora-Button for XFCE4-Menu now works way better
* Tempels PNDStore is built-in
* Caines new Nub-Settings are built-in
* midori and Arora have been completely removed - please use the PND version. Instead, links2 has been included as quick and fast browser and is now being used for viewing documentation.
* NetworkManager has been upgraded to a slightly newer version. netm-cli (the command line version) is included in the OS. This will be used by MiniMenu to connect to the internet (not included yet).
* A new default GUI selection has been included: "GUISelect". If you select this as default GUI, you'll be asked while booting whether you rather want to boot into MiniMenu or XFCE4
* kernel: WizardStan's optimized charger settings have been included. This should improve charging and increase the life of your battery.
Thanks of course to all the devs (mainly notaz, sebt3, WizardStan, Ivanovic, tempel, Caine, Milkshake and skeezix) for the help so far
Still stuff to do for HF6:
* Include Tutorial for new users (work has begun)
* Include updating of PNDs via internet into MiniMenu (mostly done, except for WiFi connection)
* Include charging screen (i.e. if you connect the Pandora to AC when it's switched off)
Please, report any bugs you may encouter on the Bugtracker!
Here's the download: Zaxxon Hotfix 6 Alpha 3 Flash
As this is a full flash, it will delete all your personal settings and files that are stored on the NAND! Be sure you don't have anything important there!
To install it, simply extract the archive onto the root of your SD Card.
Insert the SD Card into the left slot. Keep R (shoulder) pressed while switching on your Pandora and select "Boot from SD1"
If "Boot from SD1" doesn't appear, try to reformat the SD Card using Panasonic SD Formatter, recopy the files and retry.
You can also use the SD Installer and run HF6a3 off SD Card.
Grab the image needed for the SD Installer here