Homebrew On Ps2

Anonymous D

Still Fresh
Jun 8, 2006
Leicestershire, UK
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Is it possible to get homebrew running on my UK, non slimline ps2 without buying anything extra, I allready have ps1 games, and would rather not buy an action replay or such like. Any tutorials anyone knows of would be helpful to. thanks in advance.
What you're looking for is the "Independence Exploit". It needs to be installed to a memory card. The best way to do that is an Action Replay MAX or Codebreaker. If you know someone with a modded PS2, it is possible to use that to install the exploit. Otherwise, you'll have to buy a cheat thing.

Some info on the exploit
thanks for your help, got my ar and got the exploit running with resi 1. Ive got a hard drive installed and formatted, is there any app that will copy files to it (like apps, mp3s, vids etc.). cause all ican do at the moment is ftp to it.
If it's plugged in to a PC via any means you can read and write files directly in the data partition of the hard disk. Depending on how you partitioned it, you may have a section for the HDLoader. To put isos on your HD through your PC you can use HDL_Dump.