Highest Capacity Rechargable Batteries


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Sep 19, 2004
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Anyone know what the absolute highest capacity rechargable AA batteries currently available are? And where are they available in the UK? I currently have 2300 MAh rechargables.
From what people say, 2600mAh are the highest "real" batteries you can get. There are a lot of cheap batteries claiming higher, but buyer beware. A lot of people recommend Ansman PHOTO batteries.
Thanks guys. Any links? I dont suppose those 2800's would be available anywhere here craig?
You might want to stay away from the higher rated batteries at the momment (even 2500mah is pushing it). There have been no new breakthroughs in NiMH chemical technology, and no recent improvements in the manufacturing process. All recent capacity increases also come with the addition of increased internal resistance. It is market pressure that has caused the increased numbers, not better technology (they could have released 3000mah NiMHs on day one if they thought it was safe). This might be fine for a battery you plan to use in a remote control, but for high drain applications it mean your battery will get HOT, it will lose its capacity fast, and when it dies (relatively quickly) it is likely to be a catastrophic failure.

I have some nice MaHa Powerex cells (2300mah) that I plan to use until they die, then I will be very picky about what higher capacity cells I purchase, if any.
Thats some sage advice Hodr, thanks. I'd actually read a bit about that myself. When you say "catastrophic failure" do you mean exploding? I've read that sony are developing some new kind of battery technology for thier PSP, cant quite remember what it was called though.
Hodr posted on Dec 17 2005 at 07:55 PM said:
You might want to stay away from the higher rated batteries at the momment (even 2500mah is pushing it). There have been no new breakthroughs in NiMH chemical technology, and no recent improvements in the manufacturing process. All recent capacity increases also come with the addition of increased internal resistance. It is market pressure that has caused the increased numbers, not better technology (they could have released 3000mah NiMHs on day one if they thought it was safe). This might be fine for a battery you plan to use in a remote control, but for high drain applications it mean your battery will get HOT, it will lose its capacity fast, and when it dies (relatively quickly) it is likely to be a catastrophic failure.

I have some nice MaHa Powerex cells (2300mah) that I plan to use until they die, then I will be very picky about what higher capacity cells I purchase, if any.
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fade posted on Dec 17 2005 at 08:16 PM said:
I've read that sony are developing some new kind of battery technology for thier PSP, cant quite remember what it was called though.
Direct-methanol fuel cell. So far the production and use of these has been somewhat inefficient, however Sony has developed a more efficient way of making these sorts of fuel cells.
It's still going to be several years before we see these readily available in AA size, by which time who knows what version of the GP2X we will be on.
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Pie Man posted on Dec 17 2005 at 02:17 PM said:
2500-2600 mah and they are avalible every where even argos.

Maybe online they are, but in the US, you can't find 2600 in any nationwide chains, and the only chain that has 2500 that I could find was Bestbuy, all the others had 2300 or less.
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I was not trying to advertise for Maha, If I were I would have mentioned their newer batteries, but I believe I specifically said I had no plans to buy their higher capacity batteries (2500/2600).

I have about 50 NiMH batteries that I use in different applications. I use the Maha ones for high drain applications where I cant have the cell heat up or leak, I use some Panasonic 1950mah batteries for RC cars because they deliver alot more power at the beginning of their discharge cycle (and I don't need them to last very long), and I use some generic Powerizer 2300 mah cells for all non-critical applications as they seem to be about the best generic cell I have found and are very reasonably priced (I think I picked up 24 for less than $20 USD shipped).

Im not trying to sell you on any particular brand, just trying to warn you about the hazards of the high capacity NiMhs. If you really want to know how good your cells are look at the datasheet, find the maximum discharge rate, make yourself a nice little breadboard setup and drain them at that maximum rate. See how hot they get. If they get hot enough to burn you (any many will) then I wouldn't use them in anything Im not willing to replace when they melt.
Wal-Mart and Sam's Club carry 2500mah Energizers, which is what I got. Any of the other brands like Duracell and Rayovak were like 2000-2300mah. In the US, just try to find a store that carries the Energizer rechargeables.
Indeed. Must fight.........ahhhhh.........nnnnnnnnn.............*mario mushroom sound* im back to normal. That happened when i got my DS to. D oyou remember :P I remember your DS thread. I think i only made 2 GP2x threads not about 50 like I did for my flu............ but those BEXELS are funny. THey lasted about 2 hours. I play BaSS for most of that. Never played it o na hand held before. Its become my favourite thing now!
Hello Joey

finty posted on Dec 17 2005 at 07:20 PM said:
Stop trying to recreate the hysteria of "My brother screamed at my GP32, is it broken?". This will just end in tears.
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