Hidden Button...found!

Alpha eX

Still Fresh
Nov 19, 2005
If im the only one who just noticed this I feel very silly but..

You can press in the directional stick like you can on PS2 and Xbox.

It acts as a confirm button for the standard screens.
In the snes emulator, hold it down and press select to toggle the framerate display, hold it down and press start to restart the game and i think its hold down and press one of the sholder buttons to exit.

I really didnt know this button was here, its handy! :lol:
Alpha eX, sorry to burst your bubble heh, but this has been known for a while. One of the videos put out a while ago showed the person using it to make menu selections. ;) But I'm glad you were happy that you found it heh.
And thats the end of that chapter *slings scarf over sholder*

I guess the mods can lock or delete this topic now...
And thats the end of that chapter *slings scarf over sholder*

I guess the mods can lock or delete this topic now...

Hey don't worry we've all done things like that when we've bought something new, hell we don't read the manual, we dive straight and when we discover something new for ourselves it becomes a more involving experience. :)
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