

Still Fresh
Jun 22, 2006

Im currently saving up for a GP2X, the 150 quid price tag (inc extras) is a hell of a lot for me but I am prepared to save and sell :)

I have been following the GP2X for a while, and nearly got an early one, had it not been for reliability issues. To be honest, I forgot about its existance 'till my SNES controller broke the other day, I was looking at retro handhelds and found the GP2X, all problems fixed :o

hopefully I shall get one soon, Im around half way there (if I sell my gamecube succesfully)

I cant wait to make some games for the GP2X and play CBM 64/Spectrum/anything else games. (is super mario world playable, I heard the SNES emu isnt up to much ATM)

A couple of questions regarding DOS emulation though, first.

1) would I be able to play ye olde dos games such as street rod 2 acceptably on it (aorund 1991)
2) would I be able to play the original GTA on it? (not expecting to be able to)
Welcome on board.

Re asking questions: Although we are a friendly community as a whole, people tend to get a bit riled at questions that can be answered easily by a bit of searching of other threads, I suggest you do this. The perfomance of Super Mario World has been discussed a number of times elsewhere.
GTA works on PSX4GP2X (PS1) but I can't get it much better than 9fps..
Not tried it but Street Rod might run on UAE4ALL(Amiga)..
SMW runs ok under the latest modified squidgesnes.

nice one, cheers
Hello Javaguy, beside welcoming to the boards I would just like to add that a commercial game very similar to GTA is in development, so if GTA does not get playable, you can play this. The game is called Payback.
DOS emulation is interesting, but not much playable yet except for logical games, ie. Hexxagon plays fine.
SMW runs perfect!

Don't say "perfect" it isn't. The sound is not too good and it gets choppy at times, transparencies don't work. Perfect means it is not any different than original hardware. It is good, and it is playable, but not "perfect"
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hmm, sorry about the super mario question.. I shall have a search thru the archives.
I saw the GP2X video that showed it running and that was basically what made me think about getting a GP2X
Im a little concerned about the transparency thing, how do you guys mean?, like... mario appears with a box around him? It didnt look like that in the video though.

its a shame about DOS and GTA not working well.. well. I was hoping Street rod 2 would, along with all my favourite dos games.

I've heard of Payback but Im reserving judgement of it till I play the demo. Im a little concerned about the slanted top down but still 3d look, it may be confusing.. Im wondering if just plain 2d would have been better (clearer and it might have looked nicer with pretty sprites instead of 3d, which the GP2X wasnt really designed for). Still, its the devs decision and I hope to be making some dev decisions when (hopefully I will) I do some programming ;)

I have a little C++/allegro experience, but I havent tried out SDL. It looks interesting, I had a friend who used it a while back.

heres hoping dos emus get better soon :)
I would make my own, but Im not good enough to even begin to try so Im leaving it to the experts.

edit: I've been having a look at NES emus on the forum, Im liking the look of Gpfce.
Only Im a little concerned about general installation & fiddling on the console. I know its linux based and I (for a time) had linux. I see people posting linux command line code that means nothing to me, because I never managed to get my head round its cryptic commands. Maybe the GP2X is a bit too advanced for a newbie like me :unsure:

if all the (main) commands are explained in a manual, I shall be fine. I'm not afraid of learning new things but I never understood debian at all.
I`m don`t like Linux very much and basically know nothing about it but I still can use my gp2x :P the few command lines you will need can be c&ped from other scripts.
ah right, great :)

I shall get one ASAP then
(need a lot more money :( )

hmmmm, Im now a little concerned about the stick for it
I dont have any money to buy a new GP2X, should my first one break (im a student see)
so If I buy one I would want it to last for a good long time. Unlike my palm which broke <_<
such a shame, I loved my palm ..
Hehe....you loved your palm.

Seriously though, the you dont need to know anything about Linux to use the GP2X. Everyhting is mainly gui interactions. Also, you can get a new cap for the stick for a tiny price. And suppliers of the GP2X are pretty good about replacing things that break when they shouldn't.

I hope you can raise the money soon because you are missing out on a lot of fun.
Im a little concerned about the transparency thing, how do you guys mean?, like... mario appears with a box around him? It didnt look like that in the video though.

No Mario doesn't have a box around. By transparencies I mean in some games objects, like clouds for example, are translucent so you can see through them to the background. On the emu those objects are solid so you can't see through them anymore. This can be a problem like if you are under water and normally see your character swimming, with the emu the water is opaque so you can't see the charater making the game unplayable. You can sometimes shut off the transparencies but then it can look weird. Not all games have this issue but many do.
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hmm, the water issue ruins the game then, really.

I may try SMB3 for the NEs emu, maybe its less.. buggy?

im trying to get the money AFAP (as fast as possible hehe)

cant wait :D

is there some sort of list around for "perfect" gp2x games?
assuming mario world doesnt work ..
Turning the water off solves this problem. And when you beat the water level then just turn it back on.

Too give you an idea of how playable the snes emu is.............. I am about 75% through Super Metroid. I know thats saying something. :lol: