Hi There


aka kapakux89
hi people its just occurred to me that iv never introduced myself properly

i'm norm... i'm not much of a dev so i cant offer much the 2x scene

all i can offer is my skills as a musician - so if need music for games just let me know and i'll be more than happy to help out
Hi there. Musicians are a preciated here. Some people are even looking for music to add to their games. Wait, what do you play/create?
Hi there. Musicians are a preciated here. Some people are even looking for music to add to their games. Wait, what do you play/create?

i play guitar, bass, drums and i can do a bit of vocals i also create pretty much any style of music, im not amazingly good at it but im improving all the time.

so... let me know if u guys need anything and i'll check out those links as well

bye for now ( off to work :( )
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