Whoops, I added the library but seem to have forgotten to upload it again. It should be solved now. About what it is:
As said it was an entry in the 96 Hours compo, which had the theme space and gave one 96 hours to produce a game, everything included. The games target is to guide your ship to the end of a game world(set, of course, in space), where you can save every now and then(there are 30 or so savepoints where the game autosaves, it saves when you land on one of those yellow squares). You can try every part between two savepoints as often as you like, if you die you will be taken back to the last savepoint. Controls are easy, up gives your spaceship an upwards boost, left and right keys add some direction to that. For some reason there seems to be gravity in *space*, so it will most likely take a while to figure out exactly how long to boost to not fly out of the level, and not crash back to the ground immediately. The game is reminicent of the old Lunar Lander, for more info you could play the windows version
here, there is some more info on that page. The original review for the competition can be found
here, it actually placed first!
Edit: I found out that when you exit your game, and start over, the game sometimes crashes. Very odd, very weird, it shouldn't and I have no idea where that comes from. I'll try to solve it as quick as possible(with the other points mentioned above) and update this thing. For now, if you are playing a game, I would recommend only to exit it when you are exiting