

Still Fresh
Nov 14, 2005
I dont know what i am doing wrong i have the latest version of mame but i can not runs games that are on the list ie bubble bobble and bomjack and quite a few others apb. Does anyone have any ideas thanks in advance. i get

loading "Bomb Jack"...
unable to open ROM
Error reading ROMs
Unable to initiliaze machine emulation
LOAD FAILED: Press A button

any ideas some games work and i have tried diffrent versions
Are your ROMs zipped? If not, then they should be. Also, do you know what MAME set your ROMs came from? You need MEME 0.34 ROMs mostly, see here for more details.
cheers yeah they are i use winrar but i am just changing winzip thanks for fast reply yeah i have done all that and i have used clrmame and got good romset but only about 40 percent work i am baffled everything else on gp2x works fine drmdx and all other things. I have tried roms from other sources as well so i know they are not corrupt ????

Dude, mame is apparently kinda fussy as to what games it plays.
I've been trying to get scramble, galaxian etc. to work
and, again, some do some don't. Clrmame only does so much,
as far as I can see.
All I could suggest would be to see if you can get your favourite roms
for another emulator.
Mame is fair enough, but it can't turn back time...!
I've been able to play pretty much every game I've tried to some extent, my mame rom set checks out perfectly with clrmamepro though. The best way to set up a complete set that will work with the gp2x is to 1) grab a complete set of .36 roms (I found them at a mame torrent site, can probably google it). Use clrmamepro to create a set roms, a few will be incomplete or missing, you can grab those from the rom rollback set, you don't have to download the complete rollback set, just grab the torrent and don't start it, uncheck every rom but the ones you are missing or incomplete from the clrmamepro check, then grab those. Run clrmamepro again but point to wherever you downloaded the rollback roms.