help! Zaxxon no more starting


May 22, 2013
when I startet today, Zaxxon didn´t start. It showed the loaded modules an stopped by module usb and nothing more. Removing battery won´t help.

Now what ?
Quick solution is to reflash the OS(firmware):Ångström

Repairing it may be a bit tricky, would need to boot an other OS off an SD card.. I need to sleep so can't get into too much details on that.. maybe someone else can chime in.
thanks for the quick response.

I tried 3-4 times removing the battery and the sdcard and suddenly it worked !
sorry, I forgot to write that I am using superzaxxon 1.55

now I have the same problem again, working with slackware now. Maybe the sdcard has problems ?

all apps are working with slackware, and I have always problems by internet access with usb dongle so 260mb is a bit much to download. so what ?