help with euro firmware


Nova is a dumbass
Aug 22, 2003
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yes i know i got annoyed yesterday with the insane number of posts about the new fw but im positive it is causing problems with pc link. i was trying to install the new demo of bloodcross and when i pressed yes to install it came up with "failed to open usb port" and then "timed out" or something along those lines. i was using a cracked version of pc link so i though that was the problem so i tried a couple more versions and then the crap one from the gamepark site and still no luck, in fact, the original one now gives me the errors above but when i first open up pc link. so....the point of all this was to see who has flashed to this firmware and if everything is working fine for them (eg. installing etc) and also to see if anyone could help solve my problem. thanks.
its meant 2 be used with the updated gpmanager thingy (the new 1) + it suposedly supports faster speeds of uploading and no time outs etc
i had probs installing bloodcross with pacrom + new pc link. I got around it by extracting the fpk and installing it manually