Help With Emulators And Stuff


Still Fresh
May 23, 2004
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If anyone out there as the time or can find something like this please email it to me or post it here.
I just need help wit how to use emulators and games. Its just like basic. I know its stupid but this boards description said there aren't any stupid questions. So there you go. gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console
no prob :D

ok, first of all u need 2 format ur smc and have frelauncher on ur gp32_console so u can run freeware stuff (install freelauncher with pclink). after u have set up ur gp32_console , u can use pclink or gpdrive or a smc reader/writer or whatever 2 put emu's n stuff on it. u put ur emulators in the gpmm and roms in a folder in gpmm, 4 example snes: have osnes9xgp. in gpmm and have roms in gpmm/snes. hope that helps ;) and welcome 2 the community :D
If you have your gp32 all set up and ready to go then you're half way there. Be a bit more specific though with your question. What emulator are you trying to use exactly diffrent emulators require putting files in diffrent places.
spray posted on May 23 2004 at 09:09 AM said:
I Found the FAQ available on the board and this site:


Very useful indeed!
hell I used that one to set up my GP32 it's easy to follow :)
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