Help with dungeon master


Still Fresh
Apr 26, 2003
i've been fiddling around in DM ,choosing characters then trying to save and i'm not sure what i'm doing,could someone tell me in a step by step way what to do? :unsure: do i need a blank disk image?
i can't figure it out,hope someone can help
You can save to the game disk directly. I think there is no way
to save more than 1 savegame anyway.

Just open the inventory of one of your characters, there you have the
save button (featuring a floppy disk) in the top right of the screen, right
beneath the sleep ("zzzz") button. Klick it, save your game, and write
the disk image back to SMC using the castaway menu. Castaway writes
a .SAV image (e.g.: dungeonm.sav) which you load the next time, instead
of the .STT image. On the dungeon door there is a "resume" button to
load the saved game.

I can't remember the exact menu options and stuff, but I hope this does
thanks,it works!!! i was getting confused ejectingvirtual disks and putting others in,thanks mucho(i suppose i can back up my single save every now and then onto the pc to give me multiple saves) :)
DM should offer you a choice of 4 save game "slots" called DMGAME.DAT, DMGAME2.DAT, DMGAME3.DAT and DMGAME4.DAT ...

I've only used DMGAME.DAT myself but the others should work presuming that theres enough space on the DM image that you're using.