So I bought my GP2x secondhand on eBay. It came with an SD card, on which was the Monty Python skin. I installed it, and truly it has been a laugh, but it's enough now.
I need help restoring the original skin to my GP2x. I downloaded the default 1.40 skin package from this website, but it doesn't have an installer than I'm aware of. How can I copy the skin data into the system? Any ideas? Cos the foot icon is making me crazy.
I should probably mention that when I plug my GP2x into my XP machine, I get an error that prevents me from viewing the contents. It is a brand spanking new XP machine (ie, it came with XP on) so I haven't had time to clean it and install Ubuntu yet - so I can't say whether this is also a problem under Linux.
So I bought my GP2x secondhand on eBay. It came with an SD card, on which was the Monty Python skin. I installed it, and truly it has been a laugh, but it's enough now.
I need help restoring the original skin to my GP2x. I downloaded the default 1.40 skin package from this website, but it doesn't have an installer than I'm aware of. How can I copy the skin data into the system? Any ideas? Cos the foot icon is making me crazy.
I should probably mention that when I plug my GP2x into my XP machine, I get an error that prevents me from viewing the contents. It is a brand spanking new XP machine (ie, it came with XP on) so I haven't had time to clean it and install Ubuntu yet - so I can't say whether this is also a problem under Linux.