Help - Restoring The Default Theme


Still Fresh
Mar 12, 2006
So I bought my GP2x secondhand on eBay. It came with an SD card, on which was the Monty Python skin. I installed it, and truly it has been a laugh, but it's enough now.

I need help restoring the original skin to my GP2x. I downloaded the default 1.40 skin package from this website, but it doesn't have an installer than I'm aware of. How can I copy the skin data into the system? Any ideas? Cos the foot icon is making me crazy.

I should probably mention that when I plug my GP2x into my XP machine, I get an error that prevents me from viewing the contents. It is a brand spanking new XP machine (ie, it came with XP on) so I haven't had time to clean it and install Ubuntu yet - so I can't say whether this is also a problem under Linux.

Use this imgall.gpu file I've attatched (unzip it to your root). It should install any skin package. (I've used it for several)

Alternatively, I think you can just copy the following script (using Programmer's Notepad) and save it as "imgall.gpu"

cp -f ./imgbattery/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgbattery/
cp -f ./imgcommon/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgcommon/
cp -f ./imgebook/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgebook/
cp -f ./imgexplorer/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgexplorer/
cp -f ./imggame/*.* /usr/gp2x/imggame/
cp -f ./imgimage/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgimage/
cp -f ./imgmain/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgmain/
cp -f ./imgmovie/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgmovie/
cp -f ./imgmusic/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgmusic/
cp -f ./imgsetting/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgsetting/
cp -f ./imgtestmode/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgtestmode/
cp -f ./imgutil/*.* /usr/gp2x/imgutil/
cd /usr/gp2x
Oh you beauty!

That worked like a charm. Thank you. Your kung fu is very strong.
You could also download the skin changer app on the archives and have several skins on the GP2X, one for every day fo the week, if you feel like it.

One thing to keep in mind, though: The more you change the skin, the more writes to NAND memory the GP2X makes, thus limiting the lifespan of NAND. Not really by a significant amount because there can be thousands of writes to Nand before it expires, but just sort of keep that in mind.