Help Needed With Scummvm

Jet Set Willy

Still Fresh
Nov 10, 2005
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I've had my GP32 for over a year now but I still can't get the Day of the tentacle to work right with speech.

I've looked at all the topics & initially I condensed the monster.sou to the monster.so3 file using lame but I understand that wont work with the Gp32 as its a MP3 file.

The firmware I have is Mr Spivs multiware - does it matter which launcher I use?

I am lost as to how to covert the monster.sou file into an ogg file - can anyone give me thickos guide how to do this as the readme txt with scummvm is very vague.

Hope someone can help as everything else I wanted to do on the GP32 has worked except this.
dosn't seem like you searched that long

read this

but if you expect dott to run fullspeed with speech, you'll be disappointed. it's really slow, so i'ts actually better to use the disk-version with limited speech (imo).
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The commands are different now if you are using the latest scummvm tools.

First of all you must have a monster.sou file.

Do you have ogg encoder? You don't, get it here. Oggenc1.1.1 179kb.

Get yourself the Scummvm tools from here. Tools link 184kb. Choose a mirror to download from.

Extract the downloaded zip and rename it scummvmtools to wherever you want but make a note of the path i.e. c:\scummvmtools as you will be using command prompt to run the program as there is no GUI.

Okay copy the Monster.sou file to the Scummvmtools folder. Also copy the oggenc.exe to the Scummvmtools folder.

Next press your windows key or click start, click on run, type in cmd.

Type: cd c:\scummvmtools (or the path you made) to get into the folder. If you type dir you will get a list of the files in the folder, you should see your monster.sou file and a file called compress_scumm_sou.

Type: compress_scumm_sou --vorbis monster.sou (or copy and paste this into the command line).

All being well you should get a monster.sog file at the end of it, it will take a while so find something else to do like play on your GP32 B)

I am currently encoding my Full Throttle Monster.sou as I type as I couldn't remember how to do it without doing it! :rolleyes: and I wanted to make sure that the steps I have written are correct and can be followed. ;)
I am currently encoding my Full Throttle Monster.sou

Before anybody says anything like that game is way too big to be stored on your SMC, I know it is! It is the only lucasarts game that isn't in my loft!

Still gonna keep it handy for when Scummvm comes to the GP2X, I wish... :unsure:
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Many thanks for your replies - I'll let you know how I get on. My OS is XP pro and I think this might have something to do with the problems I'm having as everything you have said I've already done.
I've got it working now - thanks for everyones help.

Your right the speed is a bit disapointing and there is a lot of echo, but at least I got it to work this time.

What are the best games that work with speech on scummvm?
I've got it working now - thanks for everyones help.

Your right the speed is a bit disapointing and there is a lot of echo, but at least I got it to work this time.

What are the best games that work with speech on scummvm?

Did my guide help? It's not very often that I pluck up the courage to right a HOW TO.... so I hope you used it and found it helpful. :)

loom is a must play :-)

I strongly second this comment B)
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