HELP MP3 Player


Still Fresh
May 30, 2003
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Hi all, im a Gp32 Newbie, and a Macintosh OS 10.2.6 user (!!)

My gp32 is up and running thanx to a Windoze using friend, and i transfer using
a SC reader which appears to work fine except when transfering mp3s

The Mp3s go on, but in the player on the gp32, each MP3 had a "double"

So if ive got say "Song.mp3" in the MP3 Folder on the SC, on the GP32 it says "SONG.MP3" and then "~ong1.MP3"
Ive tried reformatting but this doesnt help, and this happens on ANY MP3!!

Has anyone else experienced this??

Also ive downloaded the GPViewer program, which DIR should this be in to work?

THANKS!!! :-)
ben_halliday posted on May 30 2003 said:
Also ive downloaded the GPViewer program, which DIR should this be in to work?
GPViewer goes in GPMM, but it seems my free launcher can't detect it...
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Sounds like your MP3's have long filenames when you transfer them.

All files on the SMC must only have 8.3 filename at the most.
Odd thing is, they all MUST have 3 letters for the extension!

The ~ filename is what you get in DOS if you look at a Windows file with a long name, guess your card reader is doing something similar and the GP32 picks this up as a different file.
Glad to see a fellow OS X user taking the plunge into the world of the GP32. I only got one a couple of weeks ago and haven't looked back since. Anyway, here's some answers - the duplicate files you are getting are files that OS X uses to store extra info about the file (file association and icon details possibly - I can't be sad enough to look up the specifics). From the Mac's perspective these files start with a period '.' and are therefore classed as invisible files. You may get similar things happening if you copy rom files for emulators over as well. They can simply be ignored, but you can get rid of them easily enough - either by using Comi File Utility on the GP32 or deleting them using the card reader and the Mac's terminal commands if you know a little Unix. There are some nice Mac file utilities out there if you don't like Unix - try searching on for some.

As for Gpviewer - I have a feeling that it's not a '.fxe' format file so it won't get seen by freelauncher. If it's .fpk then there's a separate fpk launcher you can download (but I've not tried it) - otherwise there's some Mac conversion utilities (thanks to Mr Spiv if my memory's right) that will convert other formats to .fxe - but you're back to the Unix terminal again for that. I haven't had a chance to put Gpviewer on my GP32 yet - if I get a chance then I'll detail the route if you are still having trouble.

You've crossed the biggest hurdle getting the thing registered in the first place and jumping through all the PC hurdles. If you haven't got MoviePark yet, then you have to go through a similar process with yet another registration program as well ! After all that - a Mac and a cardreader seems to work like a dream - if only it wasn't such a hassle to get it going in the first place !
Thanks for that, ill have a go thru Unix (i actually quite like unix! :S) I guessed it was the mac being a litlle b**ger or sumthin!

Ive had no other issues with the reader and the mac, and i definatley think more GP32s would be sold if this were higher documented, as i had to surf for ages to get some proof before shelling out the cash. The mac & reader go together well, and saves me the tyranny of actually using a microsoft product!!

Thanks y'all, im sure ill be back soon!!! :)
ben_halliday posted on May 30 2003 said:
Thanks for that, ill have a go thru Unix (i actually quite like unix! :S) I guessed it was the mac being a litlle b**ger or sumthin!

Ive had no other issues with the reader and the mac, and i definatley think more GP32s would be sold if this were higher documented, as i had to surf for ages to get some proof before shelling out the cash. The mac & reader go together well, and saves me the tyranny of actually using a microsoft product!!

Thanks y'all, im sure ill be back soon!!! :)
Yeah, definitely go to Mr. Spiv's site:

I'm running OS X 10.2.6 as well, and I use his Maclink and Upzpk utilities for all my screwy GP32 needs. :D
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