Help Identifying Mystery Header/library


Dec 17, 2005
Hey guys,

I'm trying to get my feet wet into compiling (and eventually developing) for the GP2X, and I figured a good start would be to edit nesgp2x (NK's NES emulator) to use a button scheme I liked better. I got my linux toolchain built and tweaked the makefile, but I'm running into a bit of a snafu. The compile is failing because it can't finda file called "UnicodeFont.h" Normally, a quick google search can usually tell me what library it is that I'm missing, but on this one doesn't help much.

Can anyone give me a hint as to what I'm missing?
.The compile is failing because it can't finda file called "UnicodeFont.h"

Can anyone give me a hint as to what I'm missing?

Did you try making an empty file to see what the compiler misses out on?

My _guess_ is that it's a file defining a font, e.g. something like
unsigned char MyFont[][]={

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It seems to be from libunicodefont. and the source for that is downloadable at, along with NK's source for his Emus.

Hope that helps :)

A good start, except I can't seem to find the sources in the file repository. =\ Even the WIKI doesn't know where to get them. It says they're included in the "official" SDK. Is there any way to get ahold of that? All I've got is the toolchain I built with that bash script from the wiki.
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If you just want to get your feet wet, why not start with a simple "Hello World" program, instead of trying to compile a complex game with external dependencies?
If you just want to get your feet wet, why not start with a simple "Hello World" program, instead of trying to compile a complex game with external dependencies?

Several reasons.

1) I'm not a newbie coder. I'm a newbie to the GP2X. "Hello World" wont teach me anything

2) I don't have a serial cable.

3) That won't let me play NES games with better button layout. ;)

4) This is actually a challenge. I don't think this code was written on a linux box, so compiling it there has proven amusing. :)
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"Hello World" will show that you have a working toolchain, without complicating matters by introducing relatively unusual libraries. Still, each to his own.

The first program I built and ran on the GP2X was the SDL "Hello Pixel" program on the wiki. The second was Allegro's "Hello World" example. No need for a serial cable in either case!
"Hello World" will show that you have a working toolchain, without complicating matters by introducing relatively unusual libraries. Still, each to his own.

The first program I built and ran on the GP2X was the SDL "Hello Pixel" program on the wiki. The second was Allegro's "Hello World" example. No need for a serial cable in either case!

Oh,I compiled the Hello Pixel program. I didn't count that since I didn't write it. :)

Edit: Hm. And now it won't compile because it can't find the SDL... grr... my environment must have changed and I can't remember what I did. This is gonna be fun.
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