Hello Pandora!


Still Fresh
Oct 10, 2009
After lurking for a while around here I decided to join the forums, in celebration of sending an email to openpandorasales@gmail.com to ask about ordering, plus getting a credit card! I was amazed about seeing google checkout, cause i hadn't heard of it.

Also i just recently made the jump from basic C++ programming to some slight game development. Anyone have any links for starting on linux ARM game development? like the different API's that are ARM compatible and such.

so basically, hello everyone!
check out Beagleboard for software development, since it uses the same SOC, development is almost as simple as picking the libs supported for ARM and then just specifying ARM when compiling, I say almost, since I think some of the SDL and OGL calls are missing or depreciated in the ARM libs, I`m waiting for my Pandora before actually doing anything along those lines though, since I have the unerring ability to base whole applications around things that I then find are going to be depreciated or dropped in the next library release (read the devlog? devlogs are for wimps, real coders write the same thing 27 times in 147 different ways JUST COS THEY CAN :P ) :)