HELLO GP32!!!!!!!


Mar 19, 2003
Hey if you misseed my last topic about the sad lose of my beloved gp32 you can read all the drama here.


Good news everybody my gp32 is safe and sound, my friend found it today while cleaning up his kitchen. Somehow it ended up in the sink and was buried under a pile of dirty dishes. I know it sounds hard to bleave but the house is gross and they have that many dirty dishes, you would understand if you saw the place its that bad. Anyway I will be getting it back soon so this sad sad story does have a happy ending. Still there is a lesson to be learned from all of this drinking and gp32ing does not mix, regardless you should drink responsibly if you are going to drink at all. That night losing the gp32 was just one of many things that made me decide to take a break from drinking for awhile. Keep this story in mind when you guys have your gp32 meet I don't want to hear any storys of people losing their gp32s or haveing any accidents. I hope you guys have a blast I'm sure you will but be safe and watch out for each other.
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hey man. I used to drink quite a bit (went to a party school, lived in a drinking town..) - then I moved very far away and a lot of shit went down in my life and I got really depressed and started drinking a lot, and just not caring -- it was like a crutch you know? then one night I got a DUI and the whole next year of my life became a tremendous pain in the ass. It sucked but I was very lucky that I didn't fuck up my car, or even worse get hurt (or hurt my passenger or someone else). Let me tell you I was deserving of that DUI too, I was pretty sauced and I just didn't care at that point in my life - getting arrested changed everything. Jail, fines, court-mandated AA, no driver's license for 6 months etc. etc. (all while I was living in a new place and being away from everyone I knew from "my old life") - it really sucked but I was thankful that it happened because I've found other ways to deal with the shitty times and it's grown me up a bit. Losing a video game system as a result of a night of drunken carousing would suck of course, but considering all the worse things that could happen, well... it ain't too tough to consider.

At the end of the day - lots of my friends "back home" still get shitfaced pretty routinely, get pulled over + the cops just let them go. Some things never change, I guess you gotta go through the experience for yourself for what it's worth. Such is life.. Anyway, think about the possibilities the next time you kick back a bunch of shots + reach for the car keys. sorry for starting out monday morning with preachin', it's a subject that hits kinda close to home though.
Perhaps while being intoxicated, you thought the screen was too dirty so decided to throw it in the sink and wash it later. If your buying a new one, dont throw away the broken gp32, the insides may be trash now but the shell is still good. Dye it a diff color and put it on a new one.
No need to buy a new one this one still works fine. As for the drinking thing goes I live in a college town and it is summer time. I do drink from time to time but I don't drink to deal with things that are going on in my life. I drink at bars and parties with good friends and have good times and thats the extent of it. I have never once driven a car after drinking and never will. Like I said in my original post I thought I had lost it on the WALK home which is the only way of getting around town after drinking. I drink and have a good time but I don't get out of control and endanger myself or others. Losing a video game system is small beans in the long run when it comes to things that could go wrong if drinking in excess. I hope you guys don't think of me an alcoholic I really don't drink as much as it might seem on this board its normally somthing I do on a weeekend from time to time and thats about it.
I've seen the light! Thank you angrypants. Thank you.

No more drinking for me. Never again will I wrestle a refrigerator. No more sleeping in snowbanks. Certainly, from here on out, I will not press my naked ass cheaks to the front window of a crowded deli. I'm turning over a new leaf.

I'll never touch that devil alcohol again. It's only crank and heroine from now on!
I just drank a beer and made a toast to college parties and dish pan GP32s.