Hello from a newbie.

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Finally I have this incredible machine. It was worth the wait and the $$.

Now I am discombobulated for not knowing what to do first :) ..like a kid in a candy store I suppose.

The build quality is quite unique and my friends are amazed, as am I.

I've never quite seen a machine like this one.

I am a humongous PS1 fan and have downloaded the pcsx v9 emulator, I am looking for eboot/PBP files.

I have read the recent misfortunes/////turn of the tide, of the OP team.

I suppose some of the greatest inventions involved much controversy ;)

Thank you to the OP team.
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Hey scoobydoo,

Welcome to the boards. She's a real beauty, isn't she?

Don't forget to install the latest (stable) hotfix and the codec pack. If you have WiFi or an USB ethernet dongle then PNDstore will also help a lot with installing and updating software. There's plenty of great software around. Be sure to give Super Geometry Dust a spin, it's a great game.
Hi and welcome on boards,

You can do just whatever you want with it, from office operation to emulation with programming, music composition, gaming etc etc in the middle ;)

Grab and install all the PNDs you want like and start using your new toy ;)
You should be using regular disc images for PCSX, I don't think the EBOOT (not PSP games) are fully supported.
EBOOTs work very well, and save a buttload of space compared to the 700mb files. highly recommended, and theres a quick guide in the tricks and tweaks guide thread thats stashed somewhere on this forum on how to eboot them in windowz. theres better linux counterparts though
Welcome aboard, scoobydoo! Unmasked any villains lately with the help of those meddling kids? :P

Anyway, joking aside, it's always interesting to see how almost everyone's (if not absolutely everyone's) reaction to the Pandora is that they've never seen anything quite like it. It's one of those rare cases of what appears to be an almost universal reaction to an invention.

PCSX-ReARMed is a fantastic emulator, but please bear in mind that you can't ask for copyright-infringing files here as it would endanger the community (I'm unsure if that's what you were doing with your mention of what you were looking for, but I feel that it's best to err on the side of caution and mention this ;) ).

Make sure to try out PicoDrive and Snes9x4P, too - those work equally well, and PicoDrive is from the same guy as PCSX-ReARMed, so it has a familiar menu and the like. I would also have to second Mr Rob's suggestion of playing Cave Story (in the case of the Pandora, you would grab the GP2X version and run it with a Pandora program called GINGE, which is a GP2X compatibility-layer), as it is an excellent game.

I would suggest anything Mega Man, personally, but that's just me. :P
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I would also have to second Mr Rob's suggestion of playing Cave Story (in the case of the Pandora, you would grab the GP2X version and run it with a Pandora program called GINGE, which is a GP2X compatibility-layer), as it is an excellent game.
What's wrong with my nxengine port. everybody tend to suggest that u use ginge instead of this port, I realy wonder why
I didn't even know of it, Seb. My apologies. :) (I haven't had a look at what's newly available in a little while.)
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Well I must say that the nxengine port [Cave Story] runs superbly on my Pandora.

It is a must have!!!

I do plan on using Ginge with an a loaded 8gb card I have saved from my previous gp2x 100 times.

My,my ,my how emulator machines have evolved. ;)

Thanks for the recommendation.
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I've actually played both (Cave Story via Ginge and the nxEngine), and I've notices a tiny amount of bugs in the nxEngine, so I usually stick to the ginge version. Even made a PND for it so I didn't need to wade through the ginge menu, and play at 800x480 via stretching.

Of course the nxEngine version has a couple very awesome features not available in the ginge version found on the file archive; in another revision or two it could easily be perfect.

Seriously though, I haven't experienced any problems with nxEngine. You should detail your issues in the original thread: http://www.gp32x.de...59687-nxengine/ (or here, as Sebt3 is probably reading anyway). It will never be fixed it he doesn't know anything's wrong. :)
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Finally I have this incredible machine. It was worth the wait and the $$.

Now I am discombobulated for not knowing what to do first :) ..like a kid in a candy store I suppose.

The build quality is quite unique and my friends are amazed, as am I.

I've never quite seen a machine like this one.

I am a humongous PS1 fan and have downloaded the pcsx v9 emulator, I am looking for eboot/PBP files.

Please go to ebay, your local game shop yard/boot sale and buy some 2nd-hand PS1 games and rip them yourself. No need to download illegal rips, is there?

+1 for the use of discombobulated, though.
Finally I have this incredible machine. It was worth the wait and the $$.

Now I am discombobulated for not knowing what to do first :) ..like a kid in a candy store I suppose.

The build quality is quite unique and my friends are amazed, as am I.

I've never quite seen a machine like this one.

I am a humongous PS1 fan and have downloaded the pcsx v9 emulator, I am looking for eboot/PBP files.

I have read the recent misfortunes/////turn of the tide, of the OP team.

I suppose some of the greatest inventions involved much controversy ;)

Thank you to the OP team.
By the way try out silent bomber on pcsx rearmed.Its awesome. And streetfighter ex+alpha. :)
Well firstly, IMHO, I played Cave Story both on Ginge and nxEngine . I say the nxEngine version looked better. The colors appeared more vibrant than the Ginge version and the audio seemed clearer.

Secondly, Super Geometry Dust is incredible as Caine suggested. I was also shocked to see the Vektar game ported onto the Pandora. However I enjoyed Super Geometry Dust more.

Thirdly, pcsx rearmed is awesome and Street Fighter EX & Alpha play spot on as suggested by Wrath of Khan.

I am in the process of ripping Mega Man games as suggested by Prometheus. Mega Man Legends 1&2 and Mega Man X4 & X5 on the way. !!

v9 is the latest version yes?

I also posted in the Vectrex thread my impressions of that emulator.

Thank you for the suggestions and I hope the newbie badge will erode soon ;)
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