

Still Fresh
Mar 9, 2004
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Man, i dont know what the f*** happpened!!! i was uploading some south park episodes to the smc and later on, i get this error message on the gpdev program i was using to transfer the files

"timed out"

ok, nothing unusual but since then, i cant seem to do anything with my gp :blink:
I turned it on, i choose play (i have the euro bios) and this error message appears on the gp

"smc is not inserted or no game exists" :o

I returned to the program once more and it no longer recognizes the smc, says it can´t open port, smc not available...i cant even format the smc,it keeps getting an error message of somekind...

Is it possible that the smc is damaged??? i dont wanna rush in buying a new one right now but i think this can be the problem....

Any ideas??? please, any help would be apreciated

Thanks in advance :)
Try this:

Turn it on and select PC-LINK.

Press select, reboot, and try again.

That's one thing it could be... (too lazy to talk about others)
SMC is likely corrupted. The best advice is to get a card reader, it helps avoid those problems.
also.....what firmware do you use?
Do you use usb connection or smc cardreader?

Read the post, he said Euro firmware and USB connection.

Why are you using GPDEV to transfer files? Download GP Manager (and maybe even the offical drivers) and use that to transfer over GPDRIVE (its a .fxe, so run it like you would a game) and then use that instead next time.
Your SMC died... that´s for sure. You have to reformat them. There´s 3 ways of doing this:
1. If you use Win9x and a cardreader, jou can simply format it with FAT.
2. You can use PC Link, it has a formatting option somewhere.
3. Some firmwares (Slubman´s firmware, Pacrom, etc) have a feature that lets you format your SMC wihout having to use a PC. This is certainly the easiest way, but you said you have the EuroFW...

I use Slubman´s, because of the file Manager and the formatting feature.
Fishbong posted on Apr 2 2005 at 08:47 AM said:
1. If you use Win9x and a cardreader, jou can simply format it with FAT.

I thought, the smc doesn`t work woth your gp32, if you format it with windows...
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Fishbong posted on Apr 2 2005 at 08:47 AM said:
1. If you use Win9x and a cardreader, jou can simply format it with FAT.

I thought, the smc doesn`t work woth your gp32, if you format it with windows...

EDIT: And, Fishbong, you didn`t answer my pm yet :)
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Quiest posted on Apr 2 2005 at 12:09 PM said:
Fishbong posted on Apr 2 2005 at 08:47 AM said:
1. If you use Win9x and a cardreader, jou can simply format it with FAT.

I thought, the smc doesn`t work woth your gp32, if you format it with windows...

EDIT: And, Fishbong, you didn`t answer my pm yet :)
LOL, and you didn´t edit your post but made a new one :P

And the SMC won´t work if you format it in Windows 2000 / XP.
That´s why i advised to format it under Win9x.
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I must have accidently hit the reply instead of the edit button... :blink: but why the doubled text? I didn`t do anything that should cause doubleposting... :huh:
