Hanagechu2x Alpha


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
Hanagechu2x is a game by Meloncoke.
Author Page

:) Pros:
  • colorful
  • music! (haven't seen that in awhile :P ..)
:( Cons:
  • no high score saving
  • not very fun
  • NO ICON!? :lol: use mine:
It's okay, but needs a highscore saving function. If you like Lode Runner, this is probably worth the download.


...I dunno, man. Alot of your reviews are just giving out a few lines of text and ends up probably insulting the author and not even giving any suport, advice, suggestions etc. Whatever...I'm just worred that people might sometimes be afraid of sticking their new-made, homebrew game in the archive without it being badly judged....Besides, dosent Alpha mean it's the first testing stage of a new program?...
I thought B.O.B.'s review of Killer Bees was particularly good, perhaps you'd find it inspirational: http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=35243. I enjoyed it because of all the detail he provided. I'm sure you have a lot of other things you can tell us about the games you review. The more time you put into your review, the better it will be. :)

And go easy on the alpha/beta releases. ;)
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It is my belief that a review should tell it like it is. If the game is bad then its bad. However, if you are going to write a negative review for a free game in its alpha stage then you have to go about it differently. A set of points doesn't work. You need a long thorough explanation of why it is "not very fun". Do not listen to people who say things like "that is so rude... he made that game for free how could you say anything negative about that, why dont you learn to program asshole" because with this logic there would be no helpful reviews. Fun is way to general of a term... i hate all puzzle games with a fiery passion, but that doesnt mean i can call games like wind and water puzzle battles "not fun". Go ahead, be critical, just go about it in a different way by 1. always giving reasons, 2. always being specific and 3. always keeping your criticism constructive.