
Feb 9, 2003

I downloaded the GameBoy emulator GPVGB and all my mono games work but when I try loading the color games, the GP32 reboots. Any help?
Don't know if that's a problem with the emulator itself, since I've never tried it, but it could be that your batteries are running low... usually if your batteries are running out, the screen fades slowly and some games won't start...

Personally, I have about 20 rechargable AA batteries for all of my stuff. You can't BEGIN to imagine how much money I've saved already...
Yeah, the initial expense of a pack of 4 NiMh (not NiCad!) batteries with a fast charger is kind of high (in relation to alkaline or nicad), but considering they last for at least 2-3 years and act like alkalines.. it's well worth it.

As for rebooting... are you sure that you have the latest version? Are you sure that the roms are fine? Try roms from different places... try them in a PC emulator, see if they work. That's all I Can think of.. :/
I tryed the roms in a PC emulator and they work fine. I downloaded an older version and it didn't work either. The file extension of the roms is .gbc if thats important. I don't think that the batteries are dying though, because I just put new ones in 2 days ago.
You might be surprised about the batteries - the CPU speed is clocked to 102MHz for Colour cames, which means they could not work if batteries werent good... If the emu itself loads, the chances are it is the batteries - no matter how recently you got them

This thing eats them fast (hence the necessity for rechargables)
:huh: I have the same problem... And it's not coming from the battery or the version of the emulator... (GPSCUMM works perfectly at 133Mhz and i've try several version of GPVGB)... My GP32 just reboot when i'm trying to launch a game (suppose it's the same problem than you, Kram )...I've also try with different size of rom... Nothing more... Did someone already well start a GBC game on it ?
Well, it runs GBC games fine on my one... perhaps it doesn't like the free-loader (which is hard to get rid of, generally)...
My GP32 uses Pacrom 0.31b, which I managed to flash across comfortably; although I realise this isn't ideal for everyone, and it SHOULDN'T have an effect... but that's the only reason I can think of other than batteries...
Try loading the thing with a variety of things loaded first - e.g. load the freeloader, then GPFM, then try it... its likely that combo would robably make it worse, not better, but even if it had a worsening effect, itd show that Pacrom has something to do with it...
:blink: Ok, i've tried all combos application possible for the moment, and... nothing more ! :( The pacrom really seem to make it work for you Tobriand... i only can see this... But i don't know what the real utility of the pacrom... Can you just explain me in few words plzzzzzzzz ?
Ok... pacrom in a few words...
Well, basically, its a different operating system for a GP32 put simply (compare Win2K and XP).
Pacrom doesn't look quite as nice, and it doesn't have a built in MP3 player, BUT it lets you run .fxe files from anywhere on the Smartmedia card (not just in the GPMM directory)... and, more importantly, it lets you ignore the need for the freeloader - which saves a LOT of time.
And it doesn't have the animation on startup, of course, so its quicker.

Only problem is you need to be careful when you put it on, because if you get it wrong, it completely messes up your GP32 to the extent that you have to pay a LOT to get it fixed (ask ph0x, he's the most recent person I know who's killed it and got it working again).
If you want to send it over, do two things...
1) Make absolutely certain that the version you're sending is 0.31, not 0.2 - 0.2 does not have PC-Link support, so you need to mess about a lot to get anything into the card.
2) Have an AC adapter and batteries...
3) Get someone to do a checksum compare on the file you downloaded with one they've got that they know is right

It'll probably work, but its the small probability that it won't where the problem lies - to give you an idea, I flashed mine the day after I got it on nearly-new batteries and had no problems. Phox did it some time after with new batteries or an adapter and ran into problems - its basically random (so far as I can tell) how much grief it gives you. Thank God mine didn't die on me.

Some programs still need to use the freeloader to run (Omsk's TG16 emu, as an example), but most don't - and its possible... JUST possible... that GPVGP requires that you aren't using it...
Which roms crash the emu? I'll test 'em on mine - it could be a number of things - Pacrom/CPU speed, or the Rom itself?
Every gbc roms crash the system (i've tried about fifty different), GPVGB reset it just after loading the rom... So to recapitulate our situation:

-Orginal bios (no pacrom)+freeloader
-Brand new batteries or ac adaptater
-GPVGB (v0.11)
-No gbc roms work

It's really nice from you to reply on this topic, you're realize a F***ing good job... All my greatings to you...
could the emu be clocking the cpu to above 133mhz? Apparently some gp32s cannot goto 150 (or whatever the next step is)... ask the author about it?
Apparently it's definitly not a problem of Mhz... (I can run the version of VMSCUMM at 166, so...)
Are any of the GPVGB creators thinking about making a newer version? I'm not forcing you to create one or anything of the sort because I know how hard it is to code something. So just wondering.
I have the same problem on my gp32. I have pacrom now and it still doesn't work, however version 0.7 works fine
Ok, so i can't really see from where it's coming... Version 0.7 works fine ? Works for what ? GBC games ? If it's not, why using it more than V 0.11 ? All the answers to these questions in our next episode of "Bouhou, I want to play a GBC Game..." Same GP-hour, same GP-site on same GP-forum... Now let's go Robin !!! :lol:
I can use GPVGB007 to play black and white and colour games without any problems however version 11 just restarts my GP32 even with brand new batteries in