GP32 Gptremor With Mirko Or X_gp32(beat2x)


Still Fresh
Dec 26, 2005

I pretended to do a port of the GP2X dance simulator Beat2x to the gp32 using chui SDL libs (you can find by now in the following thread After some tests, i could compile and run the whole game at a decent speed, but i found a real problem using the GPTremor lib that is included in the latests published version of SvOrbis, the ogg were very noisy and with many cracks... I compiled the GPTremor lib with the mirko SDK and later with a custom libc and both gave the same results...

I have already tried the original vorbis lib but it totally smashed the CPU speed,....

Any suggestions?


Hey rtb!!

First of all thanks for your answer!!

But it has to be be clear that its not my project neither my code,... I gently took Miq01's code which was entirely written over SDL, to compile for the GP32 (I downloaded from the Gp32spain forum)... So all the work its him not mine :P ...

I already used your libs in another project, they worked fine but i had a strange problem in which the mp3 crashed in the middle and then restarted again while playing.... It should be some fault in my code, but still haven't checked....

Well, the thing is that after testing that Chui's SDL4GP sources were working fine, i added Ogg support with the gptremor lib (i had to modify some include and ov_... calls but it was easy enough) and here is where the sound doesnt work as it should... The idea would be that SDL4GP have the right support for the Ogg and Mp3 files,... But the thing is that originally it supported the SMPEG lib, not MAD. I dont know exactly how hard would it be to add Mp3 support... Personally, I think that the libs are great and still not many games have used its full potential...

My code if the beat2x game is almost the same as the original with minor modifications to be compatible with the GP32... But the main thing is on the external libs, if you can check the SDL4GP,mainly SDL_mixer code, could you tell me if it would be difficult to add Mp3 support??


ok, let's try to add mp3 to sdl4gp32.

:D Thats great!! Thanks again! Fortunately the SDL code is quite clear, but if I can help on anything...

Meanwhile I'm still trying to recompile Gptremor code with different parameters but nothing, the code is perfectly integrated with the x_gp32 libs but the sound output is always awful :( ...

This is going to be funny!!

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How 'bad' does it sound.

My guess is Signed V Unsigned. That caused me a lot of grief when I first ported Tremor over (and mine and Yoyo's tremor hacks are the basis of the code in SVOgg).

hi John,

Did you answer yesterday?? Thanks.

DJWillis posted on Feb 14 2007 at 05:41 PM said:
How 'bad' does it sound.


Well the answer was "really bad" ;) but the speed wasnt bad at all for the dirty port i made... But i finally gave up,... i posted the results some time ago in some thread but i dont remember where...

The thing is that i decided to take a new direction... Due to the changes in DKArm and the problems of compatibility between the HW x_gp32 libs and the official SDK, i decided to throw it all away and start again from scratch with the latest DKArm and your GPSDK_EABI libs. Do you think is a good idea? The main reason is that at least i can debug the full code on windows rather than depend on precompiled libs... And i hope that SVOgg will work better on them :blink: ...

I am starting to port the SDL4GP using the beta libs that chui hosts in SForge, they partially support the GPSDK, ... right now i have open a new thread because im having problems with the video... Could you please take a look?


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