gpsp revisited [SOLVED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter hakmanplayer
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able to bring up the gpsp from my menu = emulators.

gpsp runs with the soib [think about it] fine.

no roms run though. showing but not running

clean card

upper cased .BIN

all roms zipped via computer prior to inserting in Pandy

soib [think about it] and roms are in appdata under gpsp wiz with no other files except gpsp cgf keeps appearing there.

started restarted to no avail.

also renamed /shortened the rom tittle [i.e, metroid fusion (U).gba or .zip]

PLEASE HELP for i am going batty :P
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You may want to try unzipping and rezipping them using Squeeze on the Pandora, instead. It's pretty easy to use.

I use a Macintosh as my secondary machine, and I know that sometimes Mac OS X likes to chuck a bunch of extra stuff into a zip file, which you won't ever see if you happen to unzip it on a machine running Mac OS X. Just an example, but I know for sure that this stuff works if you re-zip with Squeeze.
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You may want to try unzipping and rezipping them using Squeeze on the Pandora, instead. It's pretty easy to use.

I use a Macintosh as my secondary machine, and I know that sometimes Mac OS X likes to chuck a bunch of extra stuff into a zip file, which you won't ever see if you happen to unzip it on a machine running Mac OS X. Just an example, but I know for sure that this stuff works if you re-zip with Squeeze.
ok i will try it and let you know by tomorrow what occurs.

squeeze seems pretty basic to use .

if this works i will be one happy camper. :D
Good luck. It's a bit time-consuming, but I found that it's worth it.

Another thing that worked for me, after I got a couple of my games to work by re-zipping using Squeeze, was re-zipping them on my main computer, which runs Xubuntu, instead. The result was the same, and it was considerably quicker this way. Of course, this isn't an option if you don't have access to a machine that's set up that way. :P
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Good luck. It's a bit time-consuming, but I found that it's worth it.

Another thing that worked for me, after I got a couple of my games to work by re-zipping using Squeeze, was re-zipping them on my main computer, which runs Xubuntu, instead. The result was the same, and it was considerably quicker this way. Of course, this isn't an option if you don't have access to a machine that's set up that way. :P
no i am mac with unix.

i seem to have spoke too soon [once again].

i have extracted all the roms but how do i re zip via squeeze?

all the extracted roms seem to be in a file labeled p:

please advise.
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We'll start from a clean slate, so, if you have Squeeze open, close it. It's easier to write instructions for GUI-based applications if I know that the person using them is on the same page as I am. :P

1: Open Squeeze.

2: Click the large "New" button that's located near to the top of the Squeeze window. This will open up a box where you must input the name and type of the compressed file that you wish to create, and where you must choose where to save this file to (in this case, wherever on your SD Card you want to put it). Type in the name (there's no need to include the .zip extension - Squeeze will take care of this for you), and then choose where you want the resultant file to go. Make sure that the drop-down menu here is set to "Zip archive". Then click the "New" button located at the bottom-right corner of this window.

3: Click on the "Add" button that's located near to the top of the Squeeze window, a couple to the right of the "New" button from the previous step. This will bring up a box that will let you choose what files to add to this zip file. You only want to add one, so leave the radio-button set to "Files", and then click the "Add" button close to the middle of this window (this is important, because this window has two identical "Add" buttons which do different things). A file-browser window will appear - use it to navigate to the file you want to zip up, and double-click it. Then, click on the "Add" button that's located at the bottom of the window we were in before. This will add it to your zip file.

4: Open Thunar (the Pandora's file manager), and check the location where you chose to put the zip file - you should now see the zip file you created there.

I'm pretty sure that should do it. If this works, just keep repeating it with every zip file you wish to make.
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We'll start from a clean slate, so, if you have Squeeze open, close it. It's easier to write instructions for GUI-based applications if I know that the person using them is on the same page as I am. :P

i got it!!!!!!!!!! do you close gpsp???.....i had to kill it via pandy button.

1: Open Squeeze.

2: Click the large "New" button that's located near to the top of the Squeeze window. This will open up a box where you must input the name and type of the compressed file that you wish to create, and where you must choose where to save this file to (in this case, wherever on your SD Card you want to put it). Type in the name (there's no need to include the .zip extension - Squeeze will take care of this for you), and then choose where you want the resultant file to go. Make sure that the drop-down menu here is set to "Zip archive". Then click the "New" button located at the bottom-right corner of this window.

3: Click on the "Add" button that's located near to the top of the Squeeze window, a couple to the right of the "New" button from the previous step. This will bring up a box that will let you choose what files to add to this zip file. You only want to add one, so leave the radio-button set to "Files", and then click the "Add" button close to the middle of this window (this is important, because this window has two identical "Add" buttons which do different things). A file-browser window will appear - use it to navigate to the file you want to zip up, and double-click it. Then, click on the "Add" button that's located at the bottom of the window we were in before. This will add it to your zip file.

4: Open Thunar (the Pandora's file manager), and check the location where you chose to put the zip file - you should now see the zip file you created there.

I'm pretty sure that should do it. If this works, just keep repeating it with every zip file you wish to make.
I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you close the gpsp emulator??

I had to kill it via Pandy button!

wow i did it....SQUEEZE is really helpful as are you!

i will never forget this. :rolleyes:
Wahey! :D I'm glad it worked.

I can't remember off of the top of my head how you close gpSP, as I haven't used it in a while. I'm pretty sure that the option is in the menu, though.
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How do you close the gpsp emulator??

I had to kill it via Pandy button!

Hi there. Just press the "," and "." button together and that should pull up the menu. Scroll on down to "Exit gpSP" and you will be out!

Glad to see you are up and running.
Works as a good Pandy should.

Problem solved indeed!!!.....onward i go ;)

Thanks again, much appreciated.

I think the subject line of this one can be triumphantly marked as "[sOLVED]", eh? :P
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