Gph != Gpl?

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I prefer to speak with you when you don't insult me or use rude words :)

OK, I'm not mad at you specifically, I'm mad at people (like quite a few at slashdot) whom have never programmed anything in their lives and just get a kick out of jumping at anyone who doesn't follow the GPL to the letter. I've seen companies violate the GPL, but I've also seen other companies and individuals release "sneak peeks" of their programs as a favour before they were finished, and get thanked for that by being stomped to the ground by people who had nothing better to do (the "thank you"s by the real users drowned in all the "we want the source code NOW! we're reporting you to the FSF!"). When the source did eventually get released (like it was going to be all along), the "GPL lawyers" would strut like peacocks saying how it was them who deserved all the credit, and how evil the guy (who did all the work) was. End result: no more "early look" releases, and I can't say I blame the developers. The developers suffer, the users suffer, and the GPL trolls move along to the next project. In postings by you and others I saw the same pattern, so I got upset and (in your case) overreacted.

I apologize for putting you in the same group as those 'tards. Just try to tone it down a bit. Friends?
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OK, I'm not mad at you specifically, I'm mad at people (like quite a few at slashdot) whom have never programmed anything in their lives and just get a kick out of jumping at anyone who doesn't follow the GPL to the letter. I've seen companies violate the GPL, but I've also seen other companies and individuals release "sneak peeks" of their programs as a favour before they were finished, and get thanked for that by being stomped to the ground by people who had nothing better to do (the "thank you"s by the real users drowned in all the "we want the source code NOW! we're reporting you to the FSF!"). When the source did eventually get released (like it was going to be all along), the "GPL lawyers" would strut like peacocks saying how it was them who deserved all the credit, and how evil the guy (who did all the work) was. End result: no more "early look" releases, and I can't say I blame the developers. The developers suffer, the users suffer, and the GPL trolls move along to the next project. In postings by you and others I saw the same pattern, so I got upset and (in your case) overreacted.

Well, my intention was not to report GPH to FSF, but let them know what must they do to avoid have legal problems.

Maybe my bad English make confusion about my words, I don't want anything bad to GPH, all the opposite, my intention is try to advise them.

I hope they understand what must they do with the source code, because if I release the source of my games and someone make use of it without releasing his code, I will get upset :(

I apologize for putting you in the same group as those 'tards. Just try to tone it down a bit. Friends?

Yes, I don't have any problem with you, maybe my English could sound a bit rude, but it's a problem of knowledge, I'm a friendly person :D

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have i just been reading the wrong topics or has davec settled down a bit? I have been through quite a few topics and haven't seen any negative posts from davec (I'm not sure i've seen any of his at all :o ). Good job davec, now we just need the other 10,000 negative posters to settle down.

Sorry if this is a bit off topic, i just can't stand the madness of this forum as the preorders are about to arrive. Just settle down, there are people who know much more than us (at least about the gp2x) who are doing their very best to get it off the ground, so, please, let them do their jobs and worry after you've actually recieved yours.
OK, I'm not mad at you specifically, I'm mad at people (like quite a few at slashdot) whom have never programmed anything in their lives and just get a kick out of jumping at anyone who doesn't follow the GPL to the letter. I've seen companies violate the GPL, but I've also seen other companies and individuals release "sneak peeks" of their programs as a favour before they were finished, and get thanked for that by being stomped to the ground by people who had nothing better to do (the "thank you"s by the real users drowned in all the "we want the source code NOW! we're reporting you to the FSF!"). When the source did eventually get released (like it was going to be all along), the "GPL lawyers" would strut like peacocks saying how it was them who deserved all the credit, and how evil the guy (who did all the work) was. End result: no more "early look" releases, and I can't say I blame the developers. The developers suffer, the users suffer, and the GPL trolls move along to the next project. In postings by you and others I saw the same pattern, so I got upset and (in your case) overreacted.

I apologize for putting you in the same group as those 'tards. Just try to tone it down a bit. Friends?

I'm repling becuase Puck2099 is clearly a bit wet. What are you on about? Slashdot has a linux/mac bias but is at the end of the day is a tech site, for techical people of all levels, or as GPH like to call them customers.

Why should they release the source is it becuase they are obligated, absolutely but thats not the primary resons which are.

1) Public relations - just look at this thread
2) Buggy Firmware - they need fixing, why not take advantage of Linux
3) DRM - to show that this company has nothing to hide

note I haven't listed anything that would benefit linux, because I suspect its not a lot.

"threaten with the FSF","GPL lawyers". Who do you think these poeple are, these poeple are people motivated by an ideal(I'd rather have that than someone motivated by money), who don't have deep pockets for lawsuits, These are normal people who wear slippers, and have a wife/husband called Marge, Who know how to deal with GPL violations properly and better than anyone here?. GPH is not an evil multinational its a small company with a modest product.

I suspect it will be.
A) Can I have the sourve code?
B) Yes.

The reality is its not launched worldwide, but the second it is, it should be available and if its not it the relevent parties should be contacted immediately. For everyones benefit.
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I take it you've never been on the wrong end of a flood of angry emails, assorted emails to your university for "copyright violation" (which breaking the GPL technically is, and which freaks out your average bureaucrat like nothing else can) and strongly-worded emails from FSF lawyers. I take this $#!7 *very* seriously.
I take it you've never been on the wrong end of a flood of angry emails, assorted emails to your university for "copyright violation" (which breaking the GPL technically is, and which freaks out your average bureaucrat like nothing else can) and strongly-worded emails from FSF lawyers. I take this $#!7 *very* seriously.

I don't know the case in question bit if you show me a link where "GPL lawyers" would strut like peacocks saying how it was them who deserved all the credit" I'm sure I will take you more seriously, but its interesting how you've moved from corperate to university. I'm very interested if its, some kind of semi-privated con, becuase I see no reason why an academic institution should be breaking GPL.

I'm familer with a flood of mail everyone whos not paid a bill has. If the source wasn't released on the first e-mail you get another one. Its not brain surgery. There was quite clearly a escalation which is exactly what I would expect, and hope for, and they should be strongly worded, thats the point, otherwise they will be ignored. I'd be amazed if these letters are not templates.

Its put up or shut up time, Give me the case example, and I'm quite willing to contact the FSF and get the other side of the story, currenty I see nothing you say as either a surprise or anyone acting out of order apart from the university, which is what I exactly expect from a University. I'm on the side of whoever wrote the code in the first place.

Again I think they would be foolish not to release the source,*upon western release* nothing to do with the GPL.
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So thats shut up.

I haven't seen anything between the lines apart from a GPL rant.

I wish I was one who cared about thousand of hours the linux programmers put into the linux kernel, or any of this free as in freedom stuff, or the GPL licence but I don't. I reap the benefits daily, giving little regard for the developers who put time and effort into making my life a little more fun and interesting, but I don't.

My concern over linux and GPL, in this instance, not for any other product on the planet, is not becuase of any misguided sence of justice, becuase I'm old enough to realise that there is none. I just think its a damn good idea, not becuase I have any strong belief system. Its becuase I want GPH to succeed, becuase of the benfits its sucess will bring me.

*If* there is a problem releasing the source, and it could be a multitude of things, they are selling the GP2X with subtifuge which will rightly annoy these people from slashdot who bought the device to have linux in their pocket.
So thats shut up.

I haven't seen anything between the lines apart from a GPL rant.

I wish I was one who cared about thousand of hours the linux programmers put into the linux kernel, or any of this free as in freedom stuff, or the GPL licence but I don't. I reap the benefits daily, giving little regard for the developers who put time and effort into making my life a little more fun and interesting, but I don't.

My concern over linux and GPL, in this instance, not for any other product on the planet, is not becuase of any misguided sence of justice, becuase I'm old enough to realise that there is none. I just think its a damn good idea, not becuase I have any strong belief system. Its becuase I want GPH to succeed, becuase of the benfits its sucess will bring me.

*If* there is a problem releasing the source, and it could be a multitude of things, they are selling the GP2X with subtifuge which will rightly annoy these people from slashdot who bought the device to have linux in their pocket.

Hey, just yesterday you were giving me hell for saying GPH should release the GPL source because it would cause them bad publicity, and that concerned me.

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Hey, just yesterday you were giving me hell for saying GPH should release the GPL source because it would cause them bad publicity, and that concerned me.


you should spend time reading my posts, I object to this and the other thread you created, becuase of how it had been presented, and the anti-linux posts that it could only generate, you called it character assaination. This is clearly a very sensitive area, and I thought your posts were antigonistic. I think I agree with you on almost everything, but I don't see evil lurking anywhere. I don't think GPH or Linux need either attacking or defending, because I can see how harmful that can be.

I've said it before this is not the place for you or me, its for someone who is better at dealing with a small company who is concered about releasing the source. If its not someone within the scene(clearly people are doing this), it needs to be someone who is used to dealing with this "FSF"

The reality is GPH may be gearing up to release the source.
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Hey, just yesterday you were giving me hell for saying GPH should release the GPL source because it would cause them bad publicity, and that concerned me.


you should spend time reading my posts, I object to this and the other thread you created, becuase of how it had been presented, and the anti-linux posts that it could only generate, you called it character assaination. This is clearly a very sensitive area, and I thought your posts were antigonistic. I think I agree with you on almost everything, but I don't see evil lurking anywhere. I don't think GPH or Linux need either attacking or defending, because I can see how harmful that can be.

I've said it before this is not the place for you or me, its for someone who is better at dealing with a small company who is concered about releasing the source. If its not someone within the scene(clearly people are doing this), it needs to be someone who is used to dealing with this "FSF"

The reality is GPH may be gearing up to release the source.

The reality is you misread my intentions, you spent some time mudslinging at me in several threads I was posting in, you were quite antagonistic and offensive, and now you now agree with the points I've made.

I guess I'll have to take that as an apology. <_<
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