Gpfce Save State


Sep 4, 2008
B.C Canada
I cannot seem to get the gpFCE NES emulator save state working.
I went into the options secion for the emulator and saw that you can change the key selecton for save/load state but it does not seem to let me change what keys I want to use for saving/loading. That being said, it does let me choose a control direction as an option but not a keyboard character. If I push the left shoulder button, it says push+L. Does this mean if I press the L shoulder button during game play it will save state ? If that is correct, it does not seem to be working.

One other thing, if I use the native save option within Zelda NES, exit and reload... it does not save my game.

Has anyone else had issues with saving games and how exactly does the save state option selection work ? or does it even work at this point...

Thanks for any input...
Push+L is a legacy command from the gp2x days, where push meant a clicking in the control stick. Try remapping it to just L. Of course you can also manage states frm the menu, which you bring up with 1+2 I think.

I'm surprised to hear built-in NES saving doesn't work. Are you quitting the emu by bringing up the menu, then hitting quit?

I figured out that I just was not understanding the controls right.. Problem with most emulators.. They all seem different.

Vol+ to clear - figured out that it was >

I cannot seem to get the menu up with 1+2.. Will have to figure that one out. but with the save state load/state working right I am sure I can get games saved.

But concerning how to exit the emu back to the menu.. I cannot figure that out. Pressing Q exits back to mmenu or Desktop if that is what you are using.

Is there a doc file explaining the commands ? I cannot find one in the Documentation folder.

This is a very good emulator.. Only thing I would like to see other than the above explained more clearly is to have the Emu remember rom path.. I have all my roms on a SD card and categorized in sub folders. I keep having to cycle through the folders until I get to the right path/folder which works, but is a bit of a pain...

Thank you very much....
1+2 definitely works to bring up the menu in the pandora port of gpfce. If you are using the ginge-wrapped version of gpfce, it's comma+period to bring up the menu.

It's because in the old versions on gp2x you brought up the menu by hitting vol+ and vol- simultaneously. In pandora port, the author just assigned vol+ and vol- to 1 and 2.
Just a quick note: In GINGE, the GP2X's stick-click is mapped to the Pandora's 1 key.
I didn't realize this for a while, but there is (1 line) documentation. If you're a minimenu user, hit Y when on the gpfce icon.
naples39 said:
I didn't realize this for a while, but there is (1 line) documentation. If you're a minimenu user, hit Y when on the gpfce icon.

Thank you, I did not notice that..
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