Gpfce And The Famicom Disk System


Grotesque Peasant
May 9, 2003
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I would like to look at the Famicom Disk System version of Knight Lore but i am having trouble getting it to run.

I have put the disksys.rom file in the fceultra folder and I launch the game and get the title screen. After that I get to a menu in Japanese which is basically asking me which save game to play. I delete the save games, create a new game and then try to start it.

At this point the screen is blue with the letter B and some Japanese characters after it and nothing else happens. All button presses do nothing, although i can still return to the emulator menu so it hasn't crashed.

Is there anyone here with much experience of using FDS games with GPfce? How good have you found compatibility to be?
It behaves the same on the PC version of fce as it does on the GP2x, so here is a screen shot:

(click on the image to see a larger version)
Since the result is the same on different emulators, maybe the file is corrupted? I had several NES ROMs that were corrupted and they produced a similar behavior without the emulator crashing.
The game wants you to insert side B of the disk.
In control configuration menu you can set buttons to eject and flip the virtual disk.
I have encountred a few bugs/problems with GPFCE, and one of them is on the Famicom Disk System saving.

It doesn't seem to save any data when playing FDS games (not using save state). I tried a couple of games (i.e. Metroid, Doki Doki Panic, Zelda, Zelda II), and I made sure that I selected the save option, but none of them saved their data. I also tried those games on the PC using FCE Ultra to check, and they saved properly. It seems that most of the time, no FDS save file is saved into the "sav" folder in the GPFCE, and when it does save something, it does not contain the correct data. If I copy an FDS save file from the PC to the GP2X, it would load it fine; it just can't save properly. :(

The next bug I noticed is that, it seems that some of the settings in the "FCE Ultra options" doesn't change when a new ROM is loaded. If I set the visible lines to something else or enable the Game Genie and not save the changes as global, the changes would still apply to the next ROM I loaded. I have to go into the "FCE Ultra options" then back out of it and resume the game for them to reset back to the actual current settings. This also applies to ROMs that have an individual cfg. Another problem for the individual cfg is that the Game Genie would fail to load when I first load a ROM that has it turned off (global cfg) then load a new ROM with it turned on (individual cfg).

The last thing is a problem with the Control settings (although this could be intentional). I was wondering why the same button can't be set to both Player 1 & 2. It erases the config of a player when a button is in use for that player and is set to the other, and also duplicates the same button on the current player's config. Example is that when setting the X button as Up in Player 2, the X button would disappear in Player 1's (default) B button config and transfers to the B button config of Player 2. Not only does the Up button set to X, but the B button is also set to X. Another problem is that when clearing a config (using the Vol+), both Player 1 & 2 would be erased for that specific config. The first part also applies for PicoDrive.

I apologize for any inconvenience and also for reviving this thread, as I didn't want to create a new one just for these.
About controls, it's because of bad code design, I just assumed nobody would want to do things you are trying to do. Why would you need X to act as "player1 B" and "player2 up" at the same time (or similar)?

About remaining things, I'll check them when I do the next update.
notaz said:
About controls, it's because of bad code design, I just assumed nobody would want to do things you are trying to do. Why would you need X to act as "player1 B" and "player2 up" at the same time (or similar)?

About remaining things, I'll check them when I do the next update.
Oh that... that's just an example. :P

Well it's more of an annoyance as it ruins the other player's controls, but there are some instances that I do want to map some controls for the second player like in Gyromite or the Mega Man 3 cheat. Maybe also play some 2-player games by myself. :lol:

Anyway, thanks for the reply and looking into these.
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