Gpe... Not As A Tarball?


Still Fresh
Sep 18, 2007
Is it possible to send the GPE for GP2x in a zip folder? I want to try it out and see if I can use it or Help its growth.... I currently don't have a linux rig running.... If somebody has it or can zip it for me pm me or post here...! thanks zdATK
put it on my gp2x sd card which is fat32.... black screen...

I put the image and the .gpu script but renamed it .gpe bc I thought the v4 firmware didnt do .gpu. going to try gpu extention now.. any other Ideas? going to be getting another sd card that is going to be ext2 so It will run fastest :D
Hmm, its not quite as easy as just *formatting the sd to ext2 and sticking it in the gp2x*, you have to tell the gp2x to mount the card also, either by editing the boot scripts, or, errm, wait, you are on a f200? damn, first option only then, and good luck with that!
I used GPE on the F200 no problem... followed this:

for tarballs, just use 7zip, it's open source, has win32 binaries and works well

you don't need to use the ext2 image, but I think it's slower if you do.

If you have half a decent machine, just download virtualbox (another great open source software) create a virtual machine and install ubuntu on it (easiest linux around) ...either that or use the ubunto or knoppix live CD.

This way you can format a card using EXT2 and try option 2
I'm writing this message from my virtual ubuntu box right now =D

otherwise option 1 is supposed to work, did you try installing the X server? (see the archive) not sure if you need to do this...

but now I feel like finding a 1g SD card and try the ext2 version see if it's any faster =) otherwise it's kinda not really fun to use.

@Yoda: tell the GP2X to mount the card? It mounts fat32 automatically but not Ext2? o_O
xcen, yeah, basically, and without a serial interface, I have no idea how an F200 user would do this, us F100 users and below can use a script stored on nand, but F200 users might need to run a terminal or edit the script (the culprit) its default state is to mount a vfat file system, offending line is below.

mount -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,noatime,sync /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /mnt

Yep, thats GPH for you. :P


YOU CAN BRICK YOUR GP2X BY EDITING THE BOOT SCRIPTS! (You can nearly always re-flash, but still...)

Now thats off my chest, if you do edit it, and you brick your GP2X, its your fault, not mine.