Has anyone at all been able to get mencoder or any other way of encoding a video to work correctly in gpcinima under linux. Whenever I encode somthing with mencoder it seems to be set up correctly but won't open in gp cinima. gp cinima was one of the things I was really looking forward to on my new gp and encoding for it is starting to bother me. I found a really old example on here but it dosn't seem to work at all.
I got this working:
Pass 1:
mencoder dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/dvd -alang English -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=10:mode=3:aq=0 -af volume=8:sc -ovc xvid -xvidencopts :bitrate=130

ass=1 -vf pp=de,eq2=1.0:1.5:0.1:1.4,crop=716:410:2:82,scale=320:-2 -ofps 10 -srate 11025 -o "/dev/null"
Pass 2:
mencoder dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/dvd -alang English -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=10:mode=3:aq=0 -af volume=8:sc -ovc xvid -xvidencopts :bitrate=130

ass=2 -vf pp=de,eq2=1.0:1.5:0.1:1.4,crop=716:410:2:82,scale=320:-2 -ofps 10 -srate 11025 -o "/root/indy3.avi"
However some people said this hangs their gpcinema! Probably down to different mencoder versions. Unfortunately I don't know which I used since I did this a year ago.