Gpcinema? Moviepark? Gpdivx?! Pfft!

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Still Fresh
Feb 6, 2004
:angry: I'm NOT buying GPCinema, I'm NOT buying Moviepark and I ALREADY have GPDIVX! :o is there anything for the '32 that plays Movie files FREE W/sound?!
i don't think so and if there is, its not going to be near as good as GPcinema which is only a few $$
Nope, I suggest you invest £5 and get movie park. There isn't much chance of any coders writing a new movie player when the commercial ones are so good and so cheap. It's well worth doing.
Have a lot of fun with an inferior and possibly pirated product because you're too cheap to buy a $10
product which is well worth the money. Feel happy if no one ever does commercial stuff for GP32 again
because it gets pirated anyway. Great dude, really.
Sad, pathetic pirate of small company's wares. Its people like you that are killing this niche market.

Keep it up, and maybe we wont be here at all in a few months...

Even if you downloaded that software "free", shut up about it! no need to get people on stupid ideas. no need to brag about your dumb ass anyways....

Ohyeah, anyone who can afford a $200 GP has 5 bucks for a good programm.

Damn you kids will never understand :angry:
Anox is completely right.
Somehow I'm getting more and more pissed by the attitude of some of those kids today.
It's only "Where can I get $INSERT_COPYRIGHTED_SOFTWARE for free?" and "Where is the
$INSERT_TOO_POWERFUL_SYSTEM emulator running at 200% speed? I'm waiting so long!" nowadays.
They seem to think "if I buy a GP32 for $200 buck i DEMAND the right to get any goddamn game
and emulator for free. AT ONCE!". C'mon, you can't buy a car and steal the gasoline.
You buy a gp32 for little money (it is cheap considering the power) AND have the chance of using
a lot of free homebrewn games, you won't have that on a GBA (without a flash linker ofcourse).
I can't complain about the feedback to my games. I never expected so much people playing FlipOver,
but, compared to the user base the gp32 MUST have I think the percentage of users trying free
homebrew games is relatively small. There a dozens of GREAT games out there which you won't have to
pay and if they aren't enough, you have to PAY the price of commercial games, goddammit. The
commercial GP32 games are CHEAP as hell. I would NEVER go through the act of using a filesharing
software, searching and downloading the games to save like $10 or 7-10 euro.

I can only continue shaking my head...
Axeman hits you up with a mere warning but that's too kind for me. Take a week to cool off before you troll this place to death. Topic locked.
What the fuck I bought gpcinema You fool, I dont support warez on the gp32,Jeez i wont help you . Why would i send it any way?If I did it surely would be infected.

Maybe W32/Parite.A?
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