GPBlocks v1.0 released (new game!)


May 8, 2003
I've just released my first game for the GamePark32 - GPBlocks!

It's a port of a windows game I made a couple of years ago. Here's a brief description:

GPBlocks is a puzzle game, somewhat similar to Columns, for the GamePark32.
Try to remove the falling blocks by placing them so that four or more of the
same color are next to eachother.

Game features:
* Easy to learn gameplay
* 16 bit color graphics
* Sound effects
* Highscore is saved to SMC


Download it from my webpage:
My games seems to have got mentioned on all major GP32 sites, except for Comeon, isn't it news worthy of the frontpage? ;)
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Perhaps sack them all and *at this point, Rico drags Demonix away and replaces him with a robot*

Back to the game... does it have music?
Sorry, I will post about it asap. Hey, the rest of XTreme Team? Whera are you ????
And thanks for posting the news hando! Didn't mean to nag about it, just wanted to make sure that everyone who could be interested in trying the game finds out about it, and gp32x is one of the main gp32 news sources.
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great game Sdw, very adictive :D would really benifit for some nice music tho, that background noise was really getting to me after a while :P
Great game.
Is it just me or is this puzzle game harder than other puzzle games of this type?
Great game.
Is it just me or is this puzzle game harder than other puzzle games of this type?
Actually, one of my goals when I decided the gameplay parameters (how many different colors there should be, the width and depth of the playfield etc.) was to make it rather hard, so that a game didn't last too long. When I sit down and play a game, I don't want to play be forced to play like an hour or so to beat my highscore. So, if you think it's hard, this means that I've reached my goal! :D
It's also very hard to set up combos (which are good if you want to score points).
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...aaahhhh (sigh of relief) the game is supposed to be hard.

I was afraid it was me getting old ;)
I love being censored - at least someone read what I had typed! :D

No Music? Oh well... perhaps for a future version?