OMFG thats total BULLSHIT!!! GP32 is fucking Illegal in other words...How the hell can you have Emulatr console and not allowed to donwlaod the ROms coz it illegal that soo gay..KILLS the idea of "Emulator"
OMFG thats total BULLSHIT!!! GP32 is fucking Illegal in other words...How the hell can you have Emulatr console and not allowed to donwlaod the ROms coz it illegal that soo gay..KILLS the idea of "Emulator"
1) GP32 has many legal uses, such as its excellent commericial games, GPCinema, MP3 Player, Utilities (Book, Image Viewers, etc.), the multiple game ports, etc. The GP32 is just as illegal as a Personal Computer.
2) ROMs are illegal, but obviously many of them shouldn't be. However, laywers don't care about what should be illegal, they only care about what is illegal. Therefore, if GP32 Xtreme encourages illegal acts, then it could be shut down or blacklisted. Our job is to report and foster the GP32 - not give out ROM links.