GP32 Gp32 Original GP-SDK


Hardcore Member
Jan 15, 2004
The Netherlands
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First, or something had a lot of files to
begin creating stuff for the GP32...
But now i cant find the website anymore...

any other website with the sdk on it ?
Uh, the SDK isn't the same thing as devkitadv... the SDK is files to show you how to code for the GP. They will compile under devkitadv with a bit of coaxing. I found them on some french site.
oh sorry :/
erm well i seem 2 have written off most game park sdk as i seem 2 have the examples but they mainly didn't compile but i guess thats because i'm using devkitadv not the official gamepark 1 ?

i coded many years ago games for pc/dos in pascal (with assembler-help from a friend) and later a little bit c++.

i would like to start coding for the gp32 and would know, what the best starting-kit for the gp32 is.
i have the devkitadv, but are there any good libraries for sprites/maps?

im looking for something similar to the combo delphi+delphiX, (delphiX is a component for directX, which is very powerful and very easy to use), so i dont want to start all over again.

is there a gui-devkit for the gp32 (similar to delphi)?