Certified Guru
Sorry - I've run a little behind but I will release *this* week:
Summary of what's new:

Summary of what's new:
- Sample support. MAME 0.34 uses .sam format - I've collected all these samples and I will release a companion file containing these.
- New module - Sega System 16 game support. Altered Beast, Alien Syndrome and Shinobi are the highlights here. Golden Axe would work but doesn't fit in the 8MB RAM. Bummer!
- Latest version of Cyclone 68K core.
- Improvements to sound subsystem. Additional option to play in 11025 mode instead of 22050 - gains a couple FPS doing so with reduction in sound quality. I also plan some further improvements here like triple buffering.
- CPU cores recompile with gcc -O1 flag instead of -O3. This improves sound quality considerably and many games are very clear (again). As a result, some games will be a little slower, however improvements in other areas have made up for this to a degree. Generally, if a game was previously fast enough to play with sound, then there isn't a problem.
- The usual slew of other fixes. More details in the whatsnew.txt in the release.
- Optimized graphics subsystem (from GP2X/MAME4ALL version, thanks Franxis and Chui).
- I'm considering removing support for the "fast" version set of modules as they aren't really that compatible. If someone could create a list of games which fully work with DrZ80 I will create a few seperate modules for those games.
For example, the new Sega System 16 only uses 68K and Z80 cpus. Seeing as Cyclone and DrZ80 are both available, that would make a perfect pure assembler core module. However, in reality whilst this does work and I get around 18-23FPS with sound, the game will always crash when exiting (which is annoying). This seems to happen with the GP2X version too. :-(
There are only a handful of Z80 games that I know work with DrZ80. If Galaga was one of these I'd be very happy, but it isn't. Sure it works, but not with sound :-( Whenever there are multiple CPUs or multiple Z80s involved there seems to be less chance of compatibility.
The other option is to use the -O3 cpu cores for the 'fast' modules. Tell me what you think!