Gp32 Homebrew Site Update

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Hi, in a recent thread Don and myself had decided to partner up and try to bring to the GP32 community the most GP32 homebrewn resources on the net. Because of this I decided to redesign my site. As of now i've only changed the front page, check it out and give me your opinions here. I want to know how many people like it before i continue on with the rest of the site.

And another update regarding the homebrew scene:

All files reviewed on Don's page are already available for download in the GP32x File Archive.

Additionally, if you look up the files in the GP32x File Archive, you will find links to the corresponding Review on Don's site when viewing the file info.

If anybody has any reviews I may link directly from my File Archive to, just send me the links and game names :)

Thanks guys, it's a great time to own a GP :)
Really great site :)
even if I think as some others that the color choice 'hurt' abit eyes coz blue or red on green aren't the most comfortable to read on green background ...
btw the link to Don's GP32 website on the main page is broken (a little mistake in the link, a c appear before the de from his url
but continue coz it's really great :)
I just redid the reviews page. I only have the #0-9 and the A page up, I'm not sure I like how i did it, but I couldn't think of any other way, so let me know if its ok, i'm probably going to keep it the way it is. I'm not chaning the reviews themselves. It will take more time than I have at the moment to redo every review so only new reviews will the format be changed.

Also, never mind the links that are ascew amongst the bottom of the page. For now I have to have them there or I'll forget what games I reviewed already. I'll be deleting them as I get the individual letter pages ready.