Gp32 Hentai game


YOUR AUSSIE GP32 GURU!!!!!!!!&#3
May 30, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
Ok im pretty sure i'll get kicked for this but isnt it tradition for a asian console to get atleast 1 hentai game?

i posted this here cause well i dont want other gp32 users kicking my ass altho you guys will d a good enough job hehe

But yeah what do u guys think of a h-game on the gp32?

There's already one, its called a picture viewer.

You mean game, but how can that be a proper game? :D
Actually, when I get some programming experience, I was going to create one of those Japanese 'adventure' games (a.k.a. interactive storybook games) where there's lots of cute anime girls and your main character is supposed to be good at everything humanly imaginable (wouldn't be surprised if the main character could build a bomb with toothpicks and glue). Once I get around to doing that, I might create a hentai version too...
Ok, I was gonna flame you but you have a right to your opinion. Sure what the hell, someone make a hentai game, but I doubt that anyone would play it.
Ranma13 posted on Jul 7 2003 said:
(wouldn't be surprised if the main character could build a bomb with toothpicks and glue). Once I get around to doing that, I might create a hentai version too...
So you're going to create a Hentai game with McGuyver as main character?
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Hahaha that's pretty funny...too bad they don't show McGuyver on TV anymore, guess I just gotta download the episodes from someplace then...
I had a project with ronnie tucker a while ago but i was useless at coding (now im slightly better) it was going to be a Myst clone, maybe i should carry on the develpment but use stickman graphics cos i dont need art right now!
I was also thinking of a game where the main character is a female soldier, and she is abruptly awaken during the night by some terrorists that want to steal top secret weapons. So in the first few levels shes running about in her underwear shooting terrorists, (pretty realistic idea as she wouldnt waste time putting clothes on)
Well i do have all the pics sounds and text needed for a h-game just dont have programming skills

But i wanna know why Mofokubik was gonna flame me?

Its a hgame and almost every asian console has at least 1 h-game or a game with some h in it.

Besides i dont think Mofokubik has even played a h-game most of them have a great story line with a few h-sceans thrown in even if the h-sceans were taken out it still be a great game.

We are all adults here (well some of us are) whats the problem thats what i wanna know? if u dont wanna play u dont have to its the way its always been hell there are quite a few adult games in arcade even hentai games and they arnt just in japan

Wel,l I am currently working on a Visual Novell engine for the GP32. So if you have pictures, sound and text maybe we can do something together.

For an very eraly (pre-alpha?) build of the engine check here. This was more of a test for me to come to terms with the GP32 commands so it´s very, very basic. It´s also very bloated because it contains a lot of unused (test) data.
NiN^_^NiN posted on Jul 7 2003 said:
We are all adults here (well some of us are) whats the problem thats what i wanna know? if u dont wanna play u dont have to its the way its always been hell there are quite a few adult games in arcade even hentai games and they arnt just in japan
Im 16 ;)
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VirtuaLeech posted on Jul 7 2003 said:
Well I am currently working on a Visual Novell engine for the GP32. So if you have pictures, sound and text maybe we can do something together.
Funny, I was also working on a generic image/animation/text viewer with links and conversation trees for a short time, mostly as a quick game creator or ebook/site viewer thing.

I'd be very interested in what you've got at the moment, and beta testing, so contact me on IRC or PM... :D
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Sounds good. At the moment I am having a short break and are supposed to spend time with my wife and kid so not much time for coding ;) . That doesn´t stop me however with the planning and algorythm stuff. Most of it is planned. Only code needs to be written (not that difficult for a professional software developer <_< ).

As soon as i´ve got something coded I will gladly accept your offer.

<HintAtRico>Did your project already had some things coded, or just planned?</HintAtRico>
1 question leech does that program do anything besides show the picture? i havent go it to do anything besides show the text and a kid when its loaded up nothign else happens.

Also the way you can set the visual novel to read different paths like if you choose something different if you do make that feature is have a text file or something better which set up a certin way like:

You hear footsteps behind you what do you do?
[Run to the main road]
[Turn around and confront them]

The code would be like
<text>You hear footsteps behind you what do you do?</text>
<button= 1 page=004>[Run to the main road]</button>
<button= 2 page=010>[Turn around and confront them]</button>

well you get the idea. When they click the button it scans for the code in the text file for #004# then reads that part of the story. :)

Also there should be a way you can have animations like when there is more than 1 text line

Thats the final idea, but what it all come´s down to is showing pictures/animations and playing sounds/music depending on the users choice. The ´demo´ in my post does just that (although I just found out I have disabled the sound :eek: )

So yes, the next version will have path branching depending on the users choice and will read the story parameters from a file.
hehe a hentai game wait *has flash backs to seeing water closet at a friends part*
heh, make a dating sim instead, theres more tradition for them :D

and heh I'm 17 and i first saw hentai when I was 14, damn Overfiend!
i saw it when i was 8 i think it was it was on tv :eek: altho it didnt really phase me i just keep watching it all like a zombie :D

but my h-game would basiclly be a dating sim but u get to well u know with quite a few girls throught the game :D
