Gp32 Emulator


Still Fresh
Apr 27, 2005
I believe that there is only one GP32 emulator available for windows, geepee32.
I downloaded that and the racing game Giro. Unfortunately I can't get it to boot up a game, whenever I start the emulator I see a garbled screen then it closes, with the standard "do you wish to send an error report" dialog.
When I downloaded the standard firmware, it was named fm157e.bin. If this isn't the correct firmware, does anyone know where I can get proper firmware?
Or what else the problem might be?
(I want to start developing before my GP32 comes)

Thanks :ph34r:

This is the first group of settings in the geepee32.ini file in the main GeePee32 folder.
I wonder if the problem could have to do with the first line (in bold). What if anything is supposed to go there? the path to the firmware?
It only works correctly when you're set to 16 bit color mode.

Edit: And it will work without any firmware, so that isn't the problem.
Also it doesn't like some graphics cards.
I changed my graphics setting and it didn't help.
Are there any other emulators, I have a game idea I want to start working on.
I dunno if this is a good idea, but I'm making a game right now, and I don't want to have to fuss around with geepee, or have to download each test build to my gp32 to test the game, so what I'm doing is I'm making my game for windows, and then I'm going to port it over to the gp32.

Now anyway, in all seriousness, it doesn't look like it'd be hard to emulate the gp32. I mean, it's not like the gamecube, or n64 or something that has 3 processors or whatever. The GP32 has no hardware acceleration.

You know, I should make an emulator, but I don't know enough about the actual hardware, and I don't have a pdf viewer, so nevermind.
I'm buying one as soon as I have $200, I have about $90 now.

Anyway, I was going to try to make a Guy Game Clone, should be popular among adolescent boys.
:D (Do people find smileys annoying)
Jesus 2.5 hrs and nobody's posted anything! WTF!
What os do you use that there's no pdf viewer drag?
from what I've heard, geepee is pretty slow and buggy. And as such, no-one really uses it. However, if you want to discuss geepee from a devvers perspetive drop in on the developers corner section :)

Sorry I couldn't help more.
I have played around with it a long time ago and as far as I knoe it only emualtes stuff at about 40mhz with no sound so it in no way gives you a true representation of what the gp32 can do. I suppose it is decent from a dev stand point to see if yor code will work but it is in no way true to a real gp32. It has been so long since I have playeed around with it but it has not been developed for years so I know that it hasn't changed. I would just suggest you continue to save your cash and if you are interested in buying a gp32 then do so and play with it from there you won't be disapointed.
We are developing Tanda, and we sometimes test it in GeePee32 0.43, but the emulation accuracy is really low: an fxe that works in GeePee could not work on the real hardware, or work differently! :huh:

Anyway I think you need the firmware: you should have a readme that explains everything you need.
lkgangsta posted on Apr 26 2005 at 10:59 PM said:
I believe that there is only one GP32 emulator available for windows, geepee32.
I downloaded that and the racing game Giro. Unfortunately I can't get it to boot up a game, whenever I start the emulator I see a garbled screen then it closes, with the standard "do you wish to send an error report" dialog.
When I downloaded the standard firmware, it was named fm157e.bin. If this isn't the correct firmware, does anyone know where I can get proper firmware?
Or what else the problem might be?
(I want to start developing before my GP32 comes)

Thanks :ph34r:

I am not sure if Giro consists only of the FXE file or if it has data files as well. If the latter is true, you have to create a smc file (virtual smartmedia card) so that GeePee32 can access the data files.

GeePee32 is slow yet unexpendable when it comes to testing your code, at least for me :)
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lkgangsta posted on Apr 27 2005 at 01:14 AM said:
42 people have viewed this and only one person knows anything about geepee32?

lkgangsta posted on Apr 27 2005 at 03:12 AM said:
Jesus 2.5 hrs and nobody's posted anything! WTF!
What os do you use that there's no pdf viewer drag?

Don`t be so impatiently <_<
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Course, you posted a dev question to non-dev section as well.

Geepee32 is pretty darned handy for some development, but I'd say a card rader and fast reflexes help too :)

I've never had a problem with it, but some versions are more bugged than others; I've stuck with a more primitive older version.. always worked though lacks features. I just have it load up the gxb directly and life is good.

I used GeePee32 a lot when I was developing. I had a .bat file for compiling my project, and then another .bat file for testing it.

Here's a good command line for running a GXB/SMC pair.

geepee32 /SMC=filename.smc /GXB=filename.gxb /RUN /nosplash

I don't know anything about Giro. Is it just an FXE? If so, you could probablly just do
geepee32 /FXE=giro.fxe /RUN /nosplash

but if it has a bunch of datafiles, then you'd need to make a SMC file first. Oh, and I think I still use GeePee32 build 24. You might want to try that version just to see if it helps.

Oh, and one last thing.
When you ask for help and people don't respond in the next couple minutes, they're probablly less likely to respond at all when you whine about it.
lkgangsta posted on Apr 26 2005 at 11:59 PM said:
When I downloaded the standard firmware, it was named fm157e.bin. If this isn't the correct firmware, does anyone know where I can get proper firmware?

I had that problem too - I ended up downloading different firmware. Use google to try a few alternatives - that's what I did. I can't remember which one I got that worked, but it was just named fw.bin, and is 512KB in size, rather than the fw157e.bin that's about half that size.

Sorry I can't provide a direct link, but gain hope that it'll probably work for you once you've tried different firmware.
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lkgangsta posted on Apr 27 2005 at 12:14 AM said:
42 people have viewed this and only one person knows anything about geepee32?
Please don't be so impatient.
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