GP32 CPU Clocking


Jan 28, 2004
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Not really a problem but a query really. I am new to GP32 and have just brought a GP32, haven't recieved it yet though. The reason why i went for the GP32 is because the emulators, games and support it seems to despite being an also ran to the technically inferior Gamboy Advanced.

Anyway, the GP32 i am getting is the FLU version which is good, but the guy who sold it has said the CPU is clocked at 133mhz, i have heard that the standard (lately) GP32's are clocked to around 166mhz. Anyway, what i would like to know is whether it would be possible for me to clock my GP32 to 166mhz? :)

You may be able to. It seems to be pot luck whether you can overclock to 166Mhz, or whether you are restricted to 133Mhz. The reason for this variation is due to the quality of the RAM installed in your GP32, so keep your fingers crossed for the good stuff ;)
you have to try that out coz somes can go at 166MHz somes cant (mine for eg max =144)
Dont be affraid you wont fry it since the GP32 auto detect if youre asking for too much

Use also the search option of this forum coz there are a lot of topic about 166MHz OC

see you ;)
Okay thanks for the replies,

Are the current default 166mhz GP32 really overclocked 133mhz CPU as stadard or are they proper CPU? Also, are there any risks at all of my GP32 frying if i did overclock.

it has been fairly clearly proven and is now generally accepted that overclocking doesnt damage your gp32, also it is not a special cpu, all gp32s ahave the same cpu, the programs you run set the clock speed, but some gp32scant handle the higher speeds.
All GP32's are clocked at 133....there is generally a setting in the Emulators that lets you adjust the clock speed upto 166. (you cant go any higher than that cause the Ram limits you to 166 max, even if your able to go as high as 180)

Even if your Emu or game hasn't got a clock speed setting you can hack the game or Emu in hex edit to run at 166 default (if your GP32 can handle it)

PS mine runs fine at 166 but i always use quality batteries and not Rechargables.

hope that clears it all up for ya : )