GP32 Gp32 As External Display


Dec 21, 2004
You may have seen the external displays such as which link to a computer via USB and get streams of text data to display on the screen. These seem really simple, so I see no reason why one hasn't been ported to the GP32 yet. And before you ask, yes I have tried doing it myself, but I never could get USB communication functioning. A more experienced programmer should have no problem doing this; there would be no need to stream an entire 320x240 pixels each frame, all you would need to do is have a display that is, for example, 32x24 characters big, and then it is as simple as transferring the 768 bytes across each time you want to update the software. The GP32 client would receive the data, and display it using a font included with the client on the GP32.
What would be the point of this external screen? An external out to say svideo would be sweet that way you could play on a tv and have your controller and console all in one.
A pseudo DS effect minus the touch screen? ;)
I don't think the USB port is fast enough to be useful for this. I could be wrong though.
Drag posted on May 27 2005 at 10:41 AM said:
A pseudo DS effect minus the touch screen? ;)
I don't think the USB port is fast enough to be useful for this. I could be wrong though.

No, for displaying PC statistics. Like your music playlist, etc. And if you had read my post properly, you would have seen that only 768 bytes per frame would be needed. If you updated the screen 10 times a second, it would take 7.5 KBps to transfer the data. Even slow USB 1.1 is rated at 1.5 Mbps, so the connection should definitely be fast enough.
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Just get a graphics card with tv-out, I`d be simpler.
Or one of thoughs 5 or 7 inch tv`s lik-sang sell for around £100, It`ll be cheaper than a GP32 and a bigger screen. Failing that, A pocket pc and one of thoughts programs that allow you to view and control your pc from the pocket pc.

Seems to be a waste of a perfectly good handheld game console imo.

EDIT: How about one of thoughs digital case diplays that fill a 5.25 inch drive bay.

I have a video card with TV out, but I don't think it is possible to use a TV as a second monitor, is it? I thought it could only mirror the main display.
Sorry, it's not that I didn't read your post correctly, it's that I don't know how fast USBs really are, I just know that they don't seem to be good with huge speed requirements. (hence why I said I could be wrong. :P)

There's GOT to be some way to get high quality external video out of the GP32 though! I mean, the text mode mentioned is ok, but I personally don't have a use for it.
Pretty sure USB 1.1 can get up to 11Mbps, so if 768 bytes a frame is all that's needed, no worries there.... In order to keep the GP32 from running through all it's battery power, you'd have to use an adapter. The client would take up more CPU power to run, even if it's sending only a little data.
trooper posted on May 27 2005 at 03:32 AM said:
Just get a graphics card with tv-out, I`d be simpler.
Or one of thoughs 5 or 7 inch tv`s lik-sang sell for around £100, It`ll be cheaper than a GP32 and a bigger screen. Failing that, A pocket pc and one of thoughts programs that allow you to view and control your pc from the pocket pc.

Seems to be a waste of a perfectly good handheld game console imo.

EDIT: How about one of thoughs digital case diplays that fill a 5.25 inch drive bay.


Surely, getting a new GP for such a thing would be pointless, but if you have one allready... It would be neat. Can't think of any practical uses for it, though. But... Neat. :P
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I think using the GP32 as an external monitor and mouse would be useful, you could just plug it in and you wouldn't need a proper monitor, probably impossible and too hard though.
Titcher posted on May 27 2005 at 04:51 PM said:
I think using the GP32 as an external monitor and mouse would be useful, you could just plug it in and you wouldn't need a proper monitor, probably impossible and too hard though.

I have done exactly the same thing with my Asus 620 pocketpc and to be quite honest, The scaling of my desktop down to the 320 x 240 display of the pocketpc and the lag made it pretty useless.

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well i dont think he wanted to display your whole display but use it for displaying you current winamp playlist, volume etc.
it wouldnt be really useful but it would be neat :P
better than buying a lcd for the same reason like some freaks do ;P
if you had something like a docking station on your case to stick you gp in for displaying use and getting it out to play , now i think that would be really neat.
p.s. power wouldnt be a problem then... you could use you pc powersupply (maybe you would have to mod it a little bit :P ) or just hook up the good old power adapter :P

but building something like that would be really fun :P