Gp32 144mhz Any Good?


Active Member
Jan 31, 2005
hi guys need your help again...

I have a 166mhz Flu - and I have been looking to buy one for my son...

theres one available at 144mhz - but im worried it wont play very well at that speed?

what do guys think - will this speed limit its performance any? hes gonna want to play drmd, gpengine, little john, and fgb32

sPaCe :ph34r:
Vimacs posted on Jul 31 2005 at 07:25 PM said:
as you have a gp, why dont you just try?

I am doing!


justy wanted a second opinion!
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personally, I feel the minimum clcockspeed to get is 156. 144 is barely above 133, which means programs like and other cpu intesive emu's (osnes) will suffer. A bunch of programs don't go to 144 either (gpengine, doom)- the go directly from 133 to 156.

But you've been here awile Space; you know best of all how these apps will handle at lower clockspeeds, just try em out yourself. As far as gpengine, little john, and fgb32 are concerned, they all run very well at 133 (you can't even overclock fbg and lj). without sound should be good, though even with sound, many games are playable at higher frameskips.

My advice to you is try out some apps at lower clockspeeds, but if you can get it for a good deal, you should prob just go for it. Dr.Md is the only reason I see to get a higher clocking gp (and Lynx, but I doubt he'd be playing that)

Oh, and if I read correctly, your getting him a flu. Good choice; he's a kid and will probably be doing as much playing outside as in (BLU screen does not bode well with outoor light)
I've got a blu+ and i don't need to overclock more than 144mhz in drmd all of the other emus work fine at 133mhz. Although if he wants to play dune on drmd then you may what to get a gp32 that can overclock to 156mhz+. Because dune runs at about 6-12fps at 144mhz.
triksR4rabits posted on Jul 31 2005 at 07:32 PM said:
personally, I feel the minimum clcockspeed to get is 156. 144 is barely above 133, which means programs like and other cpu intesive emu's (osnes) will suffer. A bunch of programs don't go to 144 either (gpengine, doom)- the go directly from 133 to 156.

But you've been here awile Space; you know best of all how these apps will handle at lower clockspeeds, just try em out yourself. As far as gpengine, little john, and fgb32 are concerned, they all run very well at 133 (you can't even overclock fbg and lj). without sound should be good, though even with sound, many games are playable at higher frameskips.

My advice to you is try out some apps at lower clockspeeds, but if you can get it for a good deal, you should prob just go for it. Dr.Md is the only reason I see to get a higher clocking gp (and Lynx, but I doubt he'd be playing that)

Oh, and if I read correctly, your getting him a flu. Good choice; he's a kid and will probably be doing as much playing outside as in (BLU screen does not bode well with outoor light)

Thanks guys....

I know I should know what Im doing by now - I just like sharing the ride with you guys!!

although you can do the GP thing without the community - for me it is the major attraction of the consol!

TheGP was on ebay -= and cheap!

but I just tried DrMd and your right at 144 lots of sprites on screen causes one helluva slowdown (gunstar heroes) ... Ill wait even though he's chewin my ear off about it!

He likes my FLU and you can get em cheap - although im of the opinion that the original unlit was excellent too!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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maybe you can get him one for xmas, iam sure beofre xmas and when the gpx2 is released you will find some cheap gp32s on ebay.
I'm in the UK and have a 144Mhz flu

It runs everything fine apart from snes/mame and things that demand more power than the gp32 was built to provide

DrMD runs excellently with sound