Gp2xtra - Free Gp2x Mag


Mar 17, 2003
Work has begun on Issue #1 of GP2xTRA a FREE GP2x magazine (in PDF format).

Example screenies :


All the text is just filler for now, I need the communities help in replacing that text with real info!

Looking for articles on ANY subject related to the GP2x.

Need some ideas :
Maybe a programmer could write a series of articles on how to program for the GP2x?
A hack boffin could write some articles on breakout boards and other nifty additions?
You like trying out all the latest emulators? Why not write a review on them?
Maybe you like the retro games? Feel free to write your own review of them.
Or you like homebrew games? You could review them too.

NOTE: If your reviewing an emu/retro-game please state version of emulator, marks out of ten for the emulated graphic/sound and a final rating percentage. Same marks for homebrew games.

ANYthing... whatever you feel like writing about. Even if its just how you felt as you opened the box on your new GP2x.

I'm only the middle man making the PDF file, i need contributions. Without contributions there'll be no mag so please help! :)

Everyone who helps will get full credit with links to sites used etc...

Please email your articles to:
What's TRA stand for? How often do you plan on releasing issues?

I might be up for reviewing a couple of roms or some homebrew. I'll see if I can whip something up this weekend. Nice layout, btw.
LordFu posted on Aug 4 2006 at 05:58 AM said:
What's TRA stand for? How often do you plan on releasing issues?
Heheh. Classic case of temporary blindness. I do that all the time!
It's GP2-X-TRA (xtra, extra)

Hmmm... This certainly sounds interesting, and I know how hard it can be to get writers for things... I might send you some samples and see if you like 'em. Can't promise anything, though.
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Looks very pro.
I just hope theoddbot can speed up the PDF reader some more, so we can read it on the 2X.
Not too sure if I can help much, but seeing as I'm planning on making some basic tutorials anyway.. feel free to add them if u like?
Tripmonkey_uk posted on Aug 4 2006 at 12:14 PM said:
Looks very pro.
I just hope theoddbot can speed up the PDF reader some more, so we can read it on the 2X.
Not too sure if I can help much, but seeing as I'm planning on making some basic tutorials anyway.. feel free to add them if u like?

Speed isn't the main issue, the PDF reader is not too bad when there aren't many images, but even then it's not very usable. The problem is the GP2X's screen is too small to display an A4 page at a readable magnification, without having to scroll around all over the page.

I suppose solutions might be to produce the PDF with an A6 page size or use a very large font so the magazine is readable when the page width is scaled to the width of the screen.

The format of Gippex is much better for viewing on the GP2X.
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Parkydr posted on Aug 4 2006 at 12:55 PM said:
Tripmonkey_uk posted on Aug 4 2006 at 12:14 PM said:
Looks very pro.
I just hope theoddbot can speed up the PDF reader some more, so we can read it on the 2X.
Not too sure if I can help much, but seeing as I'm planning on making some basic tutorials anyway.. feel free to add them if u like?

Speed isn't the main issue, the PDF reader is not too bad when there aren't many images, but even then it's not very usable. The problem is the GP2X's screen is too small to display an A4 page at a readable magnification, without having to scroll around all over the page.

I suppose solutions might be to produce the PDF with an A6 page size or use a very large font so the magazine is readable when the page width is scaled to the width of the screen.

The format of Gippex is much better for viewing on the GP2X.
That would just be ridiculous. It's made for not reading on the 2x! having size 72 text or something like that would be ridiculous.
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Thanks for the replies folks, i appreciate you taking the time to look this over and (hopefully!) send stuff.

It's not really about whether I like it or think its suitable for publication. If you write something and want it in there then send it! I'll check stuff to make sure its gp2x relevant but the article will belong to the writer, complete with any spelling mistakes/bad grammar. :D

So come on folks! Write, write, write!

Doesn't need to be a ten page epic, however long/short you want it to be. Even if two people send a review for the same game; both will get printed since the two reviews will highlight different aspects of the same game.

I'm planning on releasing it monthly but - again - that depends on content.
I have an idea for an article: I just need to find time to actually do it. :D

If I get something done I'll let you know.
Magnulus posted on Aug 4 2006 at 01:56 AM said:
LordFu posted on Aug 4 2006 at 05:58 AM said:
What's TRA stand for? How often do you plan on releasing issues?
Heheh. Classic case of temporary blindness. I do that all the time!
It's GP2-X-TRA (xtra, extra)

Hmmm... This certainly sounds interesting, and I know how hard it can be to get writers for things... I might send you some samples and see if you like 'em. Can't promise anything, though.
:lol: Yeah, I see it now. Forest for the trees, and whatnot.
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Lobo posted on Aug 4 2006 at 03:01 PM said:
I have an idea for an article: I just need to find time to actually do it. :D

If I get something done I'll let you know.
I hope it's an article on how to install all the development software correctly & easily :D

@RTj - Just an idea, but the Foxit PDF reader is less than 1MB in size & it doesn't need any installation. If you put it in the same folder as the mag, then Windows users would just have to double click it & it would load up the mag for them to read. Most Linux distributions support PDF from a clean install nowadays anyway, but I'm not too sure about Macs?
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No! Why, goddamn you?!

You realise we are now in directus competitionus. Good luck.
LordFu posted on Aug 4 2006 at 04:22 PM said:
Is it going to be in pdf? I assumed it'd be jpeg.

If it is pdf, is there a free way to create them?
Open office & most of the opensource programs can also export to PDF now, It's not the closed format that it used to be :)

starpause posted on Aug 4 2006 at 05:22 PM said:
not to be a majorly wet blanket, but why would people want to write for a pdf mag rather than the gp2x wiki?

a gp2x disk mag, on the other hand, would be rad! B)
Sorry but I missed this post.
New users wouldn't mind reading tutorials from a magazine, yet they seem to hate reading them from forums, readme's & wiki's??
A disk mag would definetly be B)
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I've no idea why people are asking about creating PDF files but i should state while i can that you just email me the article in plain txt or Word file and i put it into the mag and out pops a warm fresh PDF mag.

A gp2x disk mag is an ok idea but doesn't allow for nice pleasing layouts. PDF does.
Tripmonkey_uk posted on Aug 4 2006 at 10:12 PM said:
starpause posted on Aug 4 2006 at 05:22 PM said:
a gp2x disk mag, on the other hand, would be rad! B)

A disk mag would definetly be B)

Yeah, thats what I was told when i started Slander on the GP32 and got no contributions. :angry:
(hence why I wouldn't get back into programming and do another disk mag)

Don't see why some people are whining about it being PDF : :huh:
a.) it will look nice to look at and easy to read
b.) your getting it for nothing! :p

I really want to help the community with this mag but initial reactions aren't favourable... <_< :(

Nova posted on Aug 4 2006 at 07:19 PM said:
No! Why, goddamn you?!
You realise we are now in directus competitionus. Good luck.

Thanks, good luck to you too Nova.

I think we'll both need it. <_<
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Haha, don't listen to any of the whingey bastards on here, they dont know what they want (no offence guys), The proof will, as they say, be in the pudding.